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This project is one of many projects across Canada that is a part of Industry Canada’s Aboriginal Digital Collections (ADC) pilot program. The program was set up to give Aboriginal Canadians access to an abundance of materials on the Information Highway.

The ADC will build on the momentum created by the Aboriginal content already on the SchoolNet Digital Collections (SDC) web site and the Spirit of Aboriginal Enterprise web site, developed with support from Aboriginal Business Canada.

The ADC program has awarded contracts to Aboriginal Canadian firms to hire teams of youth 15 to 30 years of age to digitize text, images, audio and video materials, and incorporate this information in web sites for display on the SchoolNet and Spirit of Aboriginal Enterprise web sites.

Fred Cattroll’s photos capture the traditional knowledge and contemporary issues in today’s Aboriginal community. Whether it be a remote Northern community, a nationally televised awards show, or enjoying a day at a Pow Wow, Fred’s style grabs the essence of it all.

