Contents of this website are from pulications by Asst. Professor Wanda Wuttunee and Assoc. Professor Dr. Jill Oakes, both of whom are with the department of Native Studies at the University of Manitoba. Jill Oakes and Rick Riewe have also provided the beautiful photographs they have taken while travelling in Northern Canada, as you will see throughout the site.

This website has been produced by a group of University of Manitoba Students. Although most of us did not have any web skills or office related skills when we started, we have learned much doing this work for Industry Canada.

We would like to thank Wanda, Jill and Bill, without whom we would not have had this opportunity to gain these skills, and gain part-time employment while pursuing our goals in university. We would also like to thank Michelle Van Dyke and Rob Rump at ADC for their assistance and patience.

The project team consisted of:

Wanda Wuttunee - Project Coordinator

Jill Oakes - Project Coordinator

Bill Karle - Project Consultant

Melissa Wastasecoot - Lead Student, web design

Ryan McIvor - Student, typesetting

Jason Tuesday -Student, typesetting

Philip Plessis - Student, typesetting