DHC-7 Dash 7

Dash 7

    In 1973 de Havilland took on the commuter airline market by beginning the Dash 7 program. Ready for flight in 1975, it marked the creation of the "quiet STOL airliner." Designed specifically for short-haul airlines, the pressurized 50-passenger aircraft met mixed reactions. Who needs STOL when we have lots of runways?

    De Havilland marketed the DHC-7 to airlines that ran out of small airports, in difficult terrain, many of which had built their business on Twin Otters and needed something new.

    The Dash 7 succeeded in proving itself, as it could carry many passengers and cargo, onto difficult terrain not usually faced by passenger planes. In 1979, it completed its first round-the-world trip by flying right over the North Pole!

    A maritime patrol version, called the Ranger, was also adapted from the initial DHC-7 design.

    The Dash 7 can be found in the National Aviation Museum collection.




Technical Manual

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