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April 1924

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Fifteen Years of Tragedy - - - James Oliver Curwood81
John R. Booth, Timber Veteran, Speaks Out217
Exporting Scenery at 2000 per cent. - - - Robson Black219
Story of F. J. D. Barnjum - - - Frederic Robson221
The Canada Gander—A Gallant Bird - - - P. A. Taverner226
Heading Off Timber Destruction - - - B. T. Allen228
The Dogs of the North - - - Robert Hodgson230
Prince of Wales Encourages Forestry232
A Symposium Contributed - - - 233
Forests and Wild Life - - - B. McArthur236
Message from C. F. A. President - - - Hon. Adelard Turgeon239
Tree Planting on Sand - - - A. H. Richardson240
When the Patrol Fleet Puts to Sea242
Tractors vs. Horses in the Woods - - - George A. Mackie245
Are You Planting Trees This Spring? - - - Henry B. Moore246
Prince of Wales Encourages Forestry242
Some Words of Cheer250
A New Method of Fire Ranging251
The Editor's Mail Box256
With Our Young Woodsmen257
Arbor Day—Its Observance and Growth258
Germany's Black Forests260
By William MacMillan261
Autobiography of John Macoun263
Empire Forestry Conference For Canada266

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