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November 1925
(click to enlarge)

Winning the Children as Forest Friends613
Water Powers are Tied to the Forest - - - JULIAN SMITH613
23000 Miles Travelled by Field Parties614
My Promised Moose - - - OZARK RIPLEY615
7,000 Miles With the Tree-Planting Car617
Helping Young Canada To Play a Worthy Part618
LUCK — A Story of Elk and Their Enemies - - - EDWIN C. HOBSON619
Our National Wards - - - DAN MCCOWAN621
Fires and Fools - - - THOMAS FORSYTH — HUNTER624
The Forest Firs - - - R. MANLY ORR624
Wild Geese Up a Tree - - - AMGUS G. COOCH625
Ontario's Forestry Building627
A Deadly Tree Fungus - - - PROFESSOR A. T. DAVIDSON629
Alberta Should be a Land of Treed Farms631
Norway Shows a Way - - - TOR GLOERSEN632
Forest Fires Reported by Telephone635
The Value of Publicity in Forest Fire Prevention - - - R. V. STUART636
The Plower Societies Favor Tree-Planting - - - C. MACGILLIVRAY CAMPBELL637
Logging and Lumbering Scenes in British Columbia638
Forest Fire Insurance Abroad642
When You're Lost in the Woods - - - R. G. LEWIS643
The World's Greatest Factory - - - ARTHUR HERBERT RICHARDSON645
A new Tree-Felling Device653
How Snow Motors Bring Power For ... - - - GEORGE B. CULLEN657
Canadian Air Force Statistics655
Aerial Photography as Aid to Forest Surveys655
The Business of Running a Broadcasting Station660
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