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Cover Art

September 1930
September 1930
(click to enlarge)

September 1930 Supplement
School Supplement
(click to enlarge)


Little Brethren of the Wilderness - - - GREY OWL499
What I Get Out of Moose-hunting - - - PHIL MOORE502
Here They Come - - - GENE HARRISON503
It Pays To Be Careful507
Wild Fruits That Get to the Pantry - - - HAMILTON M. LAING508
Seen in September Sunlight - - - A. BROOKER KLUGII511
Why Blame the Indian? - - - REECE H. HAGUE512
The Rapacious Ant - - - SARAH FOSBERY514
A Scourge of the Wilderness - - - STAFFORD BENSON516
Deadly Disease Attacks White Pine - - - H. T. GUSSOW519
Canadian Forestry Association Activities523
Raising an Owl Family - - - ANNIE B. SARGENT FAULL526
All in the Day's Work - - - C. G. RILEY529
Summer Experiences Recounted at School Picnic - - - G. W. DALLYN533
Off the Rails - - - LOVELL COOMBS535
Teachers Essay Contest Awards538
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