100 Year of Forestry

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About the CFA
| About the CFA | CFA History | Miscellaneous Information |

About the CFA

The Canadian Forestry Association (CFA) was founded in 1900 and is one of Canada's oldest conservation organizations. Over the years it developed branches and affiliates and in 1959, was reorganized into a federation of Provincial Forestry Associations (PFAs).

The mandate of the CFA promotes understanding and cooperation in the wise use and sustainable development of Canada's forests and related resources. This was the original mandate of the CFA when it was constituted in 1900. CFA continues to promote good forest management and public education on the eve of its 100th anniversary in the year 2000.

CFA is a registered charitable organization not aligned with either government or industry. It is supported by voluntary donations from national corporations, a Canadian Forest Service contribution, corporate partnership, contractual work, and self-sustaining projects. CFA neither solicits nor receives funding from the forest industry, but has a good working relationship with the industry and its associations in promoting balanced forest education. Likewise, CFA is not aligned with any other environmental group, but cooperates with like-minded organizations in promoting sustainable development of the Canadian forest ecosystem.

CFA History

Since 1900, CFA has been a national voice for wise use and conservation of the forest. This long history of objective and credibility has allowed CFA to serve as a voice of reason in times of forest controversy. Established to address such issues as lack of reforestation, soil erosion, over-exploitation, destruction of wildlife habitat, and to promote forest fire prevention, CFA continues today to advocate sound, environmentally sensitive forest management and sustainable development.

Sustainable development will ensure that the resources we enjoy today will be available to future generations. CFA respects the multiple values of the forest-economic, wildlife, aesthetic, cultural, spiritual, historical, recreational and, above all environmental.

"Helping the public to learn how to think, not what to think about the environmental issues of today"

CFA has been a strong advocate of integrated resource management for many years. CFA also recognizes the need to preserve wilderness areas that represent the diversity of the Canadian forest ecosystem.

CFA has been serving as a catalyst in bringing together the broad spectrum of forest stakeholders, from preservationist to forest industry executives, to reach a vision of the future forest which will satisfy the diversity of demands.

Our concern for the forests is founded on an educated understanding of the integrity of the forest and all of its components and values. Our small hand picked staff are professionally trained to understand the complexity of the issues and to advocate solutions that will satisfy the economic and environment aspects of the forest.

Miscellaneous Information

The Canadian Forestry Association:

  • Is the voice of the Provincial Forestry Associations at the national level
  • Coordinates the International Smokey Bear forest wildlife prevention campaign in Canada
  • Sponsors National Forest Week, the first full week in May, and special events in cooperation with Provincial Associations
  • Organizes conferences, seminars and other exchanges on youth education, woodlot extension, and current forest issues
  • Publishes literature on forest-related issues
  • Participates on national committees in developing national forest strategy
  • Advises federal government on forest policy concerns
  • Organizes youth and adult awareness programs, photo competitions, poster contests
  • Administers tree planting programs on behalf of corporate partners
  • Designates annually the Forestry Capital of Canada
  • Organizes Envirothon on a national level in Canada
  • Coordinate national Logging for Wildlife workshop program 
203 - 185 Somerset Street West
Ottawa, Ontario
K2P 0J2
Phone: (613) 232-1815

Fax: (613) 232-4210

E-mail: cfa@cyberus.ca

Website:  http://www.canadianforestry.com/

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© The Canadian Forestry Association, 2000