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Cover Art
July 1930
July 1930
(click to enlarge)

Insects of Our Forests and Fields - - - A. BROOKER KLUGH381
A Wageless Duty - - - FRANK MIELL385
The Daddy of the Herd - - - "THE WRANGLER"387
Should We Disturb Nature's Balance? - - - W. E. SAUNDERS391
Cannon Balls and Pigeons' Eggs - - - BONNYCASTLE DALE397
Has Fire Any Place in the Forest? - - - JAMES KAY400
Canadian Native Art—Imported - - - AUBREY FULLERTON403
Forest Products Research in Canada - - - T. A. MCELHANNEY408
Riches Built on Barrens - - - OTTO SCHIERBECK411
Courage, Canoes and Whales - - - DOUGLAS LEECHMAN416
"Getting Next" a Cinnamon Bear Cub - - - W. J. CLEMENT417
Canada Takes Stock of Her Birds - - - HOYES LLOYD419
The Royal Brook Trout - - - OZARK RIPLEY421
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