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Cover Art
June 1930
June 1930
(click to enlarge)

The Vanishing Life of the Wild - - - GREY OWL321
A Return Trip Into the Stone Age - - - BURT MCCONNELL324
Wild Flowers by the Way - - - DONALD G. FRENCH327
Forest Fire Axioms Worth Knowing - - - S. B. SINCLAIR, PH.D.331
Climbing in Garibaldi Park - - - DERMOT A. DAVIES333
The World of the Wild in June - - - A. BROOKER KLUGH, MA., PH.D.335
Forest Crops Improve Lands - - - CLIFTON D. HOWE338
A Goose Sanctuary that Succeeded - - - HAMILTON M. LAING340
Paddle Your Own Canoe - - - RICHARD GIRWOOD LEWIS343
A Week-end in the Woods - - - GRACE WESTMAN DALLYN347
Old Trails and New - - - C. J. BRODERICK349
Shoe Leather for Bruin - - - M. L. BUSCH350
The Legend of the Oak and the Linden - - - BERTHA WESTON PRICE351
Forest Fire Guarding in Quebec - - - P. W. MACKAY353
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