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Cover Art
October 1930
October 1930
(click to enlarge)

October 1930
School Supplement
(click to enlarge)


What You Owe the Game, Mr. Sportsman - - - HAMILTON M. LAING561
He Learned About Bush Fires - - - ILLUSTRATED FEATURE563
Canada Seeks John Bull's Market565
The Monarch of the North - - - HERBERT PATRICK LEE567
Oomptah—The Bittern - - - WALLACE HAVELOCK ROBB569
The Legend of Indian Summer - - - FREDERICK L. COE571
Little Brethren of the Wilderness - - - GREY OWL573
Bows and Arrows - - - DOUGLAS LEECHMAN575
Our Aboriginal Carpenters - - - GEORGE H. GRIFFIN577
The Fur Animal Crop - - - WILLIAM T. COX579
This Tower School Makes an Army of Converts - - - ORDON M. DALLYN584
Dye-Making By Early Indians - - - DOUGLAS LEECH MAN587
From Limb to Limb - - - A. F. CADMAN589
Controlling the Slash Hazard - - - R. C. ST. CLAIR591
Forests of Australia and New Zealand - - - MAJOR L. R. ANDREWS593
Prize Winning Essay in Teachers' Contest - - - ANASTASIA KEHOE596
Psychology and the Hunter - - - G. A. PAULSON599
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