Display 16

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A - Wall hanging made by Agatha Nauya and donated by Mr. & Mrs. E.McKale.

B - Kamikker from Jens Kreutzman, Greenlandic Museum presented by Ann Marie Olsen May 15, 1975. They are made of entirely of sealskin, the colored decorations are sewn on one by one.

C- Polar bear cub accidentally caught in a trap at Coral Harbor, 1976. Mount donated by Lions Club of Fort Smith and Pine Point.

D - A whale carved from whale bone, Pond Inlet, 1973 donated by Mr. & Mrs. E.McKale.

E - Eastern Inlet dolls all native materials real human hair made for Mrs. N.Wickware, Pangnirtung, 1947.


This digital collection was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.

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