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This project began in mid-November 1998 and ended in mid-February 1999. The CANOE project was completed by seven team members:

Darrell Fraser - Project Coordinator
Julie Abraham - Team Member
Myrna Antione - Team Member
Stephen Beaver - Team Member
Duncan Bourke - Team Member
Riel Burke - Team Member
Kelly Evans - Team Member

We would like to thank the following organizations and people for their assistance:

SchoolNet Digital Collections - for providing the funding to hire seven team members to work on this project.
South Slave Research Centre - for providing the office space and administration.
Fort Smith Métis Nation Local #50 - for usage of three computers needed as well as three team members from their Fresh Start Program.
Northern Life Museum - specifically Mr. Clarence Rheimer, for providing content and letting us take pictures of the great exhibitions contained there for our virtual tour.
Department of Education, Culture & Employment - for providing copyright permission for the "On the Banks of the Slave" book produced in 1979. All pages where either text or picture exerpts have been used are noted on that particular page.
Mrs. Martha Mercredi - for providing the diary of Mr. Victor Mercredi for the oration content.

If you have any questions or comments please e-mail them to the South Slave Research Centre at or to the Project Coordinator at

This digital collection was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.

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