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Smith Gallery

Fort Fitzgerald Fort Smith Salt River

Contained here are pictures digitized from the book "On the Banks of the Slave - A history of the community of Fort Smith, Northwest Territories" Copyright Canada 1974 by Department of Education, Government of the Northwest Territories.

Fort Smith Photo Gallery

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A familiar scene on the river at  Fort Smith, 1910. The large boat in the foreground right, owned by the Hudson's Bay Company, was the "Mackenzie River".  It was built in 1907 and was used on the river between here and Arctic Red River. On the far left is the government boat, "Hope". The "S.S.Distributor" in the back ground is in dry dock. The buildings and the warehouses were for the trading companies.

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Barge building at Fort Smith, 1929.

Waterfront, Fort Smith , N.W.T. 1930.

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Fort Smith waterfront,1920. In the foreground the "S.S Distributor". In the front "The Pioneer" owned by Northland Traders. It was used to service the settlements along the river. Schooners like those on the lower right were probably on their way to the Arctic Coast. By trading furs, many Eskimo were able to buy schooners such as these.

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The view of Fort Smith's waterfront. The ship is the "S.S. Distributor" owned by Lamson and Hubbard. It was built in 1920 and was sold to the Hudson's Bay Company in 1924.

This digital collection was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.

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