The Right Honourable
Sir Charles Tupper

Biographical Information

- 2 July 1821, Amherst, Nova Scotia

- University of Edinburgh (Medicine), Scotland

Personal Status
- Married 1846, Frances Morse (1826-1912)
- Three sons, three daughters

- Physician, practised as a country doctor in Cumberland County, Nova Scotia
- 1867-1870 President, Canadian Medical Association
- Author

- Conservative
- May-July 1896 Party Leader

- 1867-1884, 1887-1888 Cumberland, Nova Scotia
- 1896-1900 Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Other Ministries
- 1857-1860, 1863-1867 Provincial Secretary (Province of Nova Scotia)
- 1870-1872 President of the Privy Council
- 1872-1873 Inland Revenue
- 1873 Customs
- 1878-1879 Public Works
- 1879-1884 Railways and Canals
- 1887-1888 Finance
- 1896 Secretary of State

Political Record
- Premier of Nova Scotia 1864-1867
- Father of Confederation 1867
- Participant in the Confederation Conferences of Charlottetown 1864, Quebec 1864, and London 1866
- Minister of Railways and Canals during construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway 1879-1884
- High Commissioner to the United Kingdom 1884-1887, 1888-1896

- 30 October 1915, Bexley Heath, England

- St. John's Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia

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