The Honourable
Sir Mackenzie Bowell

Biographical Information

- 27 December 1823, Rickinghall, England
- Emigrated to Canada in 1832

- Apprenticed as a printer with the Intelligencer, Belleville, Ontario 1834
- Received teaching diploma from Sydney Normal School, Hastings, Ontario 1841

Personal Status
- Married 1847, Harriet Moore (1829-1884)
- Four sons, five daughters

- Printer, editor and later owner of the Belleville Intelligencer
- A founder of the Belleville Rifle Company

- Conservative
- 1894-1896 Party Leader

- 1867-1892 Hastings North, Ontario

Other Ministries
- 1878-1891 Customs
- 1891-1892 Militia and Defence
- 1892-1894 Trade and Commerce
- 1894-1896 President of the Privy Council

Political Record
- Supervised collection of the new tariff duties that were the foundation of the National Policy 1894
- Led trade mission to Australia and promoted a submarine cable link between North America and Australia 1894
- Attempted to re-establish a separate school system in Manitoba 1895
- Senator 1892-1917
- The second Prime Minister to lead the country from the Senate

- 10 December 1917, Belleville, Ontario

- Belleville Cemetery, Belleville, Ontario

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