The Qulliq

The Interviews - Related Artwork from Cape Dorset Collection

In an igloo there would be a porch made from snow as well. There would be a small lamp in the porch, as well as a QULLIQ known as an ALLIQ at the floor level near the entrance for light. Of course, there would be QULLIQ on both sides of the dwelling.

The QULLIQ in the porch only served the purpose of giving light, not heat. It was for lighting in the porch. This QULLIQ would not be fully lit, but lit enough to keep the flame going. Of course it would not be used during the day, since its only purpose was to light in the porch, so it would be lit only at night.

.......from another interview

Another thing is also when we are on a journey when we get ready to spend the night we would have to do chores including getting our QULLIQ ready by fueling them. First you would have to pound on the blubber as you get ready to fuel the QULLIQ.

All the things that you would need in the Igloo would be gathered close to the entrance, including the QULLIQ. All of these things would be placed within reach so that it would be only a matter of reaching them and taking them inside. The person who is making the Igloo would make the walls of the Igloo while you filled in the holes between the blocks. Once the enclosure had been completed and all the holes filled, then all of the things that are needed inside for the night were brought in. Despite the fact that it may be a little cold, once all of the things are being brought in you would start to arrange the bedding. Then the QULLIQ is put in place. Then you light it up.

The interior of the Igloo is so cold and the soapstone QULLIQ is so frozen that it will not remain lit. It tends to use up the fuel. It is difficult to get the fire going in your QULLIQ because the lamp itself is frozen. You would make every effort to keep the fire to the fuel and you try to keep the fire going. Finally you would be able to get the streak of wick lit up. When that happens then you are going to place the pegs in place for the QULLIQ's stand and put ice in the pot that you are going to hang in place over the QULLIQ to melt for water. The only way you are going to get hot water is by this QULLIQ. Only then you will finally get something to eat.

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