Socking it


You head over to the pantry and grab a bag of Sockitos. After emptying the bag, you realize that you have to go to the bathroom (When you gotta go, you gotta go!). A few minutes later you feel relieved. You think.

Bob Socky. o O (I have a feeling I'm missing something)

Bob Socky. o O (WAIT!!! the Commercials!!)

Bob Socky. o O (I missed them!)

Bob Socky. o O (I know, I'll use my handy dandy time machine®!)

You whip out your handy dandy time machine® and begin to press some buttons. You are then zipped back to 10 minutes before the show is broadcast. Now, back to the commercials...

do you:

A: same thing you do with the programs

B: play them and count how many times the word "bob" comes up

C: try and guess how much money Kellogg's has paid based on the amount of commercials