just sock it
You call crazy Tim and tell him to turn on all the television monitors that line the wall. He takes the remote and within a minute, all the monitors flicker on. You pick up the binoculars with your sock helper. You see...Crazy Tim mixing some explosives. You quickly mash your nose onto the speaker phone and call Tim.
  • YOU: Tim! What are you doing?!?
  • TIM: Oh, nothing. Just mixing explosives.
  • YOU: WHAT?!?
  • TIM: Don't worry. It vaporizes metal, but leaves fabric intact.
  • YOU: Bye Tim.
  • Well, you know now that Tim should never be allowed near open fire so you'd better figure out a way to uninvite him to your family Bar-B-Q next week. Yikes! Well, what else can you do?

    A: Turn on the little monitor embedded in the desk

    B: Stick your head out and yell back and forth

    C: Pick up the phone and chat with the crazy Tim