just sock it
Using your linty head, you decide the best way of starting the CBC takeover, is blocking the satellite. You send five puppets to stand in front of the incoming beam. After you dispatch them, Herbert comes up to you.
  • YOU: Yes, Herbert?
  • HERB: Um...I did some research, and I found that, weeeeell...
  • YOU: What, Herbert?
  • HERB: Anybody standing in front of a satellite is going to be toasted. Well, since they're puppets, it's going to give them one heck of a case of static cling.
  • YOU: Yikes! Static CLING!! NNOOO!
  • Since a fate worse than death for socks is permanent static cling (or becoming lint), you decide to call them back. When your socks arrive, it's too late, because they came as a giant ball of fabric.

    Go back to food court