The People listed below made this site, and all the wonderful stuff on it.

Ryan's Picture Ryan Kulka is a grade 11 student at Lisgar Collegiate Institute. Ryan designed the Historical Anthology of Canadian Music web site, and created the graphics on the site. Got a web site that needs a-doing? Send me some e-mail.

Wen Zhao ( is a Master of Engineering student in the Department of System and Computer Engineering at Carleton University. He was involved in the design, coordination, and integration of this project. All hail the master team leader. Wen's Picture

Thierry's Picture A student of photography, concentrating in art history at the University of Ottawa, Thierry Brégaint assisted in making the HACM digital archives - acting as both researcher and imaging specialist.

The owner of a desktop publishing company specializing in music engraving and graphic design, Keltie Purcell ( was responsible for digitizing the scores, creating the sound files, and managing the data base for the project. She enjoys singing, especially Baroque and Celtic folk music, and is currently recording her first CD of Maritime folk songs. Keltie's Picture


Look what a wonderful team!