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A Toronto View of the Conference

source: The Examiner, Charlottetown
date: August 29, 1864


The Following extract we clip from the Toronto Globe:-

"Meetings of the Cabinet are held daily and I hear that much business has been disposed of. All the members of the government are present except Mr. McGee who has gone to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia with the excursionists, and Mr. Galt, who has gone to New York on business. It is rumoured that dispatches have been received from all three of the Maritime Provinces, expressing the gratification which it will afford them to meet unofficially a deputation from the Canadian Government for the purpose of discussing the question of a federation of the British American provinces. It is also rumoured that the whole question has engaged the serious attention of the Canadian Cabinet since it assembled last week with more satisfactory results, and that Mr. Cartier, Mr.Brown, Mr. John A. Macdonald and Mr. Galt have been deputed to represent Canada at the approaching conference at Charlottetown.

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