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William Henry Pope

born: Bedeque, P.E.I., 29 May 1825
died: St. Eleanors, P.E.I., 7 October 1879
representing: P.E.I.
position: Pro-Confederation

William Henry Pope

William Henry Pope did most of his studies in London, England, before returning to P.E.I. to read law under Edward Palmer, who would later be a fellow Father of Confederation. Pope was admitted to the bar on the Island in 1847 and then spent time as a land agent. He made a name for himself in a rather controversial real-estate deal in which he and his associates earned over £10,000.

From 1859-72 Pope edited the Liberal paper the Islander and in 1859 he was given the position of P.E.I.'s colonial secretary. In 1863 he won a seat in the Island's Assembly representing the district of Belfast.

Pope was an ardent supporter of the unification of the British North American colonies and had to resign from the cabinet in 1866 as this was an unpopular position at the time. Even after his resignation Pope continued to promote P.E.I.'s inclusion in Confederation and eventually in 1873 with younger brother James Colledge Pope as premier his hopes were fulfilled with the Island's joining the Dominion. At the Charlottetown Conference Pope played the role of host for visitors to the Island.

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