Child and Family Canada

Fédération canadienne des services de garde à l'enfance

Respecting the Children in Our Care

I show respect when:

I am disrespectful when:
Adapted from an article by Stacie G. Goffin (1989), entitled "How Well Do We Respect the Children in Our Care?" in Childhood Education, vol. 66, p. 71. Adapted with the permission of S.G. Goffin and the Association for Childhood Education International, 11501 Georgia Avenue, Suite 315, Wheaton, MD. Copyright @ 1989 by the Association. This Resource Sheet may be photocopied and/or material inserted in other publications if credit is given and a copy forwarded to the Canadian Child Care Federation, 120 Holland Avenue, Suite 306, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 0X6. Telephone: (613) 729-5289. Fax: (613) 729-3159.

This Resource Sheet was published by the Canadian Child Care Federation, Winter 1995.
Posted by: the Canadian Child Care Federation, September 1996.

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