Child and Family Canada

Common Questions and Answers About Vaccines


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No vaccine contains human blood or serum. Trace amounts of human albumin (a protein fractionated from whole blood) are used as a stabilizer in rabies vaccine. No vaccine contains animal or human cells. Viral vaccines are grown in cells derived from animals (chick embryo or monkey cells) or humans (fetal cells). At certain stages of production, calf serum may be added to fluid in which the cells are growing. (Calf serum is necessary for proper growth of cells in the test tube.) During purification of the vaccine, all calf serum and all cells (animal or human) are removed. Trace amounts of some proteins from the cells may remain in the vaccine.

This document was published by the Canadian Paediatric society, 1997.
Posted by the Canadian Paediatric Society, July 1997.

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