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Teaching Resources : Glossary
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the act of or right of buying land, to seize before others.

a commercial business of trade, a person who works in the business

a person who studies the science or art of growing flowers, fruits, vegetables and shrubs

narrow gauge railway
a particular type of railway with rails that have less than standard width between the ties.

completely sealed by fusion or soldering so as to keep air or gas from getting in or out.

land holdings
land that is owned or occupied.

the number of acres in a piece of land (1 acre=43,560 sq. feet)

a unit of dry measure for grain, fruit, etc.

places where milk and cream are pasteurized, separated and bottled, a place where butter and cheese are made and sold.

the act of preparing and using land for growing crops, to break up surface soil in preparation for planting.

the elected head of a village or town council in certain Canadian provinces.

Crown Colony
a British colony directly under the control of the home government in London, England.

tract of land
a continuous expanse of land.

corduroy roads
made of logs laid crosswise

the act, process or work of putting foods into cans or jars for preservation and storage.

early settlers who "go before", preparing the way for others

a subdivision of a province, a unit of territory and administration.

to supply land with water by means of ditches, channels or sprinklers.

Gold Rush
a rush of people to a territory where gold has been recently discovered.

a store that is owned collectively by members who share in it's benefits.

farming and businesses associated with farming, like farm products.

goods or products such as food, clothing, etc. for satisfying people's basic needs.

a person or machine that gathers a crop of grain, fruit or etc.

Board of Trade
a department of the government that deals with a commodities exchange, such as dealing in grains, etc.

net profit
money made after certain deductions or allowances have been made money that is made and kept.

a small or isolated community or village

the inability to produce, make or reach a specific amount or quota.

to depend on the season or seasons.

a formal agreement between 2 or more nations that relates to peace, trade, etc.

the sale of goods in a large quantity usually for re-sale by a smaller company, store or merchant.

the actual job of "showing off" goods to be sold, advertising items to be sold in other places.

an area that is used specifically for residents or people to live.

to excuse, to free from some liability that others might be subject to.

any of a family of animals with stout, short, hooved legs and have bristly skin and a long, flexible snout.

the act or series of actions that will accomplish a specific result.

to load with goods for transportation.

that home and land occupied by a family.

a person who views, measures and studies the land in preparation for building or planting.

old timer
a familiar term used to describe an old or elderly person.

is the habitual movement of animals, birds or people at certain times of the year or after certain events.

a store that deals in staple foodstuffs, vegetables, fruit, etc., a person who works in or owns the store.

timothy seed
a grass with long cylindrical spikes widely grown for hay.

bracht (bract) or brachiols
related to hops, a leaf on or at the base of the stem.

victory gardens
people were encouraged to grow their own vegetables and fruits during the conflict of the Second World War, it was thought that they would be growing toward victory.

pool market
the combining of resources or grains into a common market to be sold.

Lower Mainland
an area of the province of British Columbia that is noted also as the South Coast, an area that covers Vancouver and suburbs, the Fraser Valley and Whistler.

to work by plowing, sowing and raising crops.

to succeed or achieve economic (monetary) success.

grist mill
a mill used for grinding grain.

a tool or utensil used to do a a job or to begin, put into practice.


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