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The Land

Colonial Settlers

Community of Villages




Image Gallery

  Row boat at the front door of Ronald W. and Dorothy Toop home during the Fraser River flood of 1948. P666

Row boat at the front door of Ronald W. and Dorothy Toop home during the Fraser River flood of 1948. P666

Chilliwack is a homeland to many people. The Sto:lo, the People of the River, have no memory of other places. Newcomers who began arriving in the 1800s generally traced their roots to Eastern Canada or the United States and, before that, to the United Kingdom. The twentieth century saw waves of immigrants arriving from Eastern and Western Europe, some fleeing religious persecution, others fleeing wars and economic hopelessness. As we enter the twenty-first century, the complexion of the community is again changing. Eastern Europeans continue to arrive along with Latin Americans and Asians. This mix creates a culturally rich community. Exploring history is a never ending and fascinating journey.

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