The Bear Clan: Healers and Guardians

In the wild, the Bear spends six months of the year hibernating, or sleeping. Upon leaving hibernation, the Bear is best left alone as he is often easily irritated or angered.

Their Human Kind relatives, also require regular hours of rest, lots of sunshine and are frequently grumpy if forced to rise early. When deprived of sunshine, they may be subject to depression.

Bear Clan people are very self-reliant, preferring to stand on their own two feet. They do not like to rely upon others, wishing others to depend upon them. It takes them time to acclimatize to change as they prefer the security of a regular routine. They frequently have an innate ability to repair broken objects.

Bear Clan people are often dreamers, guardians and protectors. As a mother Bear will fiercely protect her cubs from all dangers, their Human Kind relatives will guard and protect their friends and family. They enjoy hard work and are practical, dependable, meticulous and analytical. They may often be taken advantage of due to their generous nature or will take on to much in trying to meet the expectations of others.

If given a large task, Bear Clan people will prefer to break it down into smaller, more easily completed parts.

Bear Clan people often have high morals, and they may translate them into unrealistic expectations for their family and friends. They need to focus on reaching their dreams but still attending to the daily practicalities. People of this Clan may have difficulty in expressing their feelings and have a tendency to mask their innermost feelings with loud grumbling.

Most Bear Clan people really enjoy their food. They enjoy being involved in the preparation and cooking of food. They especially enjoy things of a sweet nature and their sweet tooth may lead them into problems regarding their weight.

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