The Beaver Clan: Architect and Builders

In nature, the Beaver is the architect or construction engineer who transforms and changes their environment with their energy. People of the Beaver Clan share these qualities with their counterparts of the Animal Kingdom. They are constant hard workers who enjoy improving and altering their homes. The purpose is to create security and make their environment pleasant. They may not be content with the changes, constantly seeking to improve an what exists, often to the frustration of those they live with.

They are adaptive, creative, patient, preservering and good at reconstruction, both physically and emotionally. Theirs is a quick eagerness to learn, and they enjoy creating things with their hands.

Stability is important and they grow best when in a long-term relationship. They exhibit a down to earth attitude in most things.

Beaver Clan people do well in providing both physical and emotional support to those within their circle. Often they have an intrinsic ability to bring harmony to others, when they are balanced and happy.

Beaver Clan people are practical, reliable and methodical. They can be sticklers for details who will work hard until their goals are achieved. They may have great artistic abilities.

In nature, Beaver is shy and stays away from others in the Animal Kingdom. Their Human Kind brothers may be cautious, and conservative, with a tendency to believe what they see for themselves.

Beaver clan men delight in parenting their children but may overindulge in material things. One of the challenges for them is to realize that material things only have temporary rewards and that life's greatest rewards are shared with friends. They also need to work at not placing to much emphasis and importance on material objects or becoming too strongly attached to them. They thrive on praise and require appreciation. They have a deep thoughtfulness within them. They have a need for personal freedom. Beaver Clan people have no tolerance for laziness, untidiness, dishonesty, trickery or insincerity.

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