The Buffalo Clan: Providers

For countless generations, the Buffalo was the main provider of food, shelter, clothing and tools, all necessities required for survival for the Native American peoples who lives on the Plains. Much of the society and culture of these people was built around and influenced by this animal.

In the wild, Buffalo is a herd animal, part of an integral community of inter-related parts, each dependent on the group for survival.

So too, their Human Kind brothers prefer to be part of stable and harmonious community of family.

Buffalo was the all-provider. Everything needed to survive was obtained through the Gift of this animal. It gave totally of itself to sustain the people. Buffalo Clan people tend to be excellent providers for their families, willing to give al of themselves, for the well being of others. They may experience difficulty in caring for themselves, especially if someone they care about is in need.

Once a herd of Buffalo begins to run, the entire herd follows suit. So, Buffalo clan people may go with the flow of popular opinion, or refuse to change their opinions, once formed. They will grab an idea or an opinion and run with it, often to their own detriment.

Buffalo are always on the move, from place to place. Buffalo Clan people exhibit a restlessness and need to move about from place to place. They may feel confined and hemmed in by too many rules, requests or expectations.

Buffalo Clan people enjoy the social environment of a close-knit group of family and friends. They thrive and feel most content when surrounded by loved ones. They dislike being alone and will often go to great lengths to avoid it. They need to learn to be comfortable with their own company. It is difficult for them to hold their own ideas or opinions, as they find it easier to change their expectations in accordance with those around them.

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