The Hawk Clan

Hawk Clan people share many attributes with their keen-eyed sister, the Eagle. They are often associated with Grandfather Sun, the element of fire, and with the thunder of sudden change.

In Nature, the Hawk has the ability to soar to great heights and be near the sun. They carry the radiant energy of fire. Hawk Clan people often have the ability to pounce upon an idea, as Hawk swoops down upon its prey. They find a solution to a problem in an instant of illumination as a burst of lightning will light up the sky. Hawk Clan people rely much on their intuition, being guided into fast action on the spur of the moment.

In nature, the Hawk is a hunter, who is always on the move. The Hawk requires space to fly, and cannot take to the air without sufficient room. Similarly, Hawk Clan people require personal freedom to spread their wings. They are hunters of new ideas, blazing new trails of thought an ideas.

As the Hawk flies from place to place, never staying long in any one, Hawk Clan people may be easily distracted, impulsive or aroused to bursts of restless energy. They are great initiators of new enterprises, but may experience difficulty in completing them. It is necessary for them to learn to follow through and develop the ability to focus and concentrate.

Since they are so much involved with the Element of Fire, they also need to guard against becoming too intensely involved in projects and activities lest they burn out far too soon. Hawk clan people have a strong sense of independence, a tendency to speak their own minds. Therefore, they may need to learn to learn to develop tact. They may also need to cultivate discernment and compassion, to curb their impatience with others who cannot quite keep up with them.

They have qualities which allow them to be self-oriented, self-motivated, creative, enthusiastic, versatile and extroverted. Hawk clan people will be attracted to interest that allow them to learn Spiritual and moral lessons. They may look to people of other Clans for guidance. Their optimistic nature allows them to overcome disappointments. It may be difficult for them to form intimate relationships with other people, preferring a small circle of close friends of long- standing, rather than a large group of people. It takes a long time for them to give their friendship, but once given, it is long lasting.

Hawk clan people may often become the bridge between the Worlds of Native North American Mother Earth knowledge and today's world.

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