The Owl Clan

Owl Clan People love speed and silence. They love the darkness, preferring to sleep during the daytime and work at night. They may wish to vanish from the view of others, as the Owl vanishes into the darkness, especially when frightened.

Owl Clan are often associated with hidden knowledge, as the Owl hides in the darkness. They may be given the gift of warning others of danger before it becomes obvious.

They enjoy the outdoors and frequently have a need to be unconfined, to have freedom of movement and expression. There is a need to come and go as they please, not at the will of others. Owl Clan people have enquiring minds that enjoy lengthy discussions, verging on arguments. They are individualistic, sincere, with generally happy dispositions, but may show quick bursts of temper.

Owl Clan people may have a tendency to flee from responsibilities and stress, as the owl flees its enemies. They may love risk or danger, recklessness exhilarates them.

As the owl have keen eyesight in the darkness, Owl Clan people may be very observant of small details, both in people and their environment.

They may take up professions involving pioneering and exploring new fields and ideas. They may have difficulty distinguishing between needs and wants, or take on too many committments at one time. Often, they are strongly drawn to the things of the Spirit.

Owl Clan people are honest and truthful, having no patience with lies or dishonesty. They often Balance easily between their inner selves and spirit self.

Owl Clan people often see things that others miss, and view things from a different perspective, as the owl sees in the darkness. They need to work at endurance and face the elements. They may be almost fanatic in their cleanliness of home and self.

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