The Wolf Clan: Hunter and Explorer

The wolf is symbolically a leader of Sacred and Spiritual things. In nature, Wolf seeks out and explores new situations, to find new knowledge and return it to the pack.

Wolf Clan people are very family-oriented and social. They enjoy the continuity and community that a family provides. But they often have a need to spend time alone, being introspective and thoughtful in nature.

Their territorial tendencies may lead them to be upset when intruded upon without warning or invitation. Their deep sense of intuition may allow them to discern the attitudes and intentions of others. It may also be difficult for them to express their emotions, leading them to feel vulnerable. If they repress their feelings, they may suffer depression. They may have difficulty in reaching decisions regarding their personal relationships.

One of the Wolf Clan challenges is to learn to stay Balanced and in control of their emotions. In the World of Nature, Wolf may often mate for life. For Wolf Clan people, a change or loss of life partner maybe devastating. People of this clan are usually hunters and seekers of spirituality and philosophy who will seek out (stalk) that which will give meaning and purpose to their lives.

Compassion, benevolence, artistic ability, generosity, sympathy and understanding are all qualities of the Wolf. They are often the one to whom others turn to in time of stress and therefore, do well in helping professions. Because they may be adversely affected by the emotions of others (as Wolves who run together in a pack), they may often feel worn out and drained. This requires them to find time on their own, with freedom to roam ( lone wolf style), to replenish themselves.

Wolf Clan people are good hunters and providers, with a great sense of curiosity, looking into every interesting area they discover. They work well alone but prefer the company of other wolves. They will be ferocious in defense of family and home.

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