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This ceremony is usually done only two times in the year, spring and fall. It usually doesn't take place in the winter months but winter ceremonies are not prohibited. In certain cases, an Elder or Medicine Person will call for a winter ceremony. During this time no food or water may pass your lips. This ceremony is only preformed by those who have received a message that tells them to go fasting for a certain period of time. This is confirmed with a dream or a vision by the person who is to be attending. Fasting is different from a vision quest. In a vision quest you must go out and obtain a vision to find out who are your spirit protectors. Whereas, the main purpose of the Fast is to "see" what your answer is to your question. These results are then taken to an Elder or Medicine Person to be confirmed and clarified.

The location for the Fasting is totally up to the person, whereas a vision quest has a determined place where you are to stay until the vision happens. The Fast will take place at the location envisioned in your dream because this is an important message from the Spirit land. Today, Fasting can be done either outside, bare to the elements, or inside, perhaps, in an isolated cabin.

The main reason for Fasting (today) is to find out more about yourself and your family history (a lot of native children come from broken homes and often split up). Other reasons for fasting include: to determine directional points of interest (where am I going?); to decide on important issues; and to determine whether their is a calling for you to becomes a Medicine Person. The reasons for Fasting have not really changed that much, with exception of the adaptations to the application of holding a Fast in this day and time.

In preparation for a Fast you must have a reason to attempt one. Having this, you then would approach an Elder or a Medicine Person with tobacco as they will try to make you more focused. In completion of your time spent with the Elder, together you would set up a feast, this is done to feast your sacred items and your spirit helpers. The decided location of the Fast must be said at this moment so the spirits know where you are going to be. Included in your preparation of a Fast, you must gather together all necessary shelter and warmth components such as: a tarp for your make-shift shelter; certain pine and cedar boughs for a sleeping mat, spiritual protection and insolation; and firewood to keep yourself warm at nights. As the days go on, you will begin to notice that it is harder for your body to keep itself warm because you are not eating or drinking. Lastly, you would surround yourself with all your sacred items such as a Pipe, if you are a Pipe holder, and a variety of medicines. These items provide comfort and protection.

Fasting is a way to meet the Creator face-to-face. He endows you with spiritual gifts and strengthens your families' internal fiber. Also, he places a Spiritual protector with you, because you are at the weakest spiritually at this time. We fast in order to receive answers to directional questions about our future endeavors. We deprive ourselves of food and water to purify ourselves in order to be in the presence of the Great Spirit and His helpers. We sing songs to our Mother Clan to bring our spirit helper more near to us, where it and show itself to us, revealing future events and answering some of our questions. The spirit helper also protects us from misleading spirits, which is important because we are the weakest emotionally, spiritually and physically at this time.

Sleeping occurs regularly because of physical and spiritual drain. While awake, songs and chants of well being and prayer are performed to entice what you are seeking. Then you must wait for the dream, vision or an understanding to take place. To complete the Fast, the vision or dream is told to a group of Elders or Medicine people. It is deciphered and administered so that you can comprehend all parts of the incantation.

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