The Foolish Girls

In a world long ago, people slept in birchbark lodges. There were two girls that slept in the open.

They were looking at the stars and they saw one red star and the other a white star. The girls were curious and wanted to know what it was like sleeping with the stars. They lay there talking about how it would be like sleeping with the stars wondering if they were great lovers and handsome too. Sooner or later they both fell asleep and when they awoke they found themselves in the star world and there stood the red star and the white star. One of the stars looked and said to the girls: "You wanted to sleep with us so lets do it," and they did.

The girl that choose the red star found out that he was a vigorous man and kept her busy all night, she was content.

The girl that choose the white star which was very old and had long white hair did not perform as well. All the stars did was eat and sleep with the girls and shined all the time.

As time passed, the girls got very home sick and very bored. The girls looked down among their people and saw how much fun their were having with all the singing and dancing, which the girls missed and grew even more homesick.

The girls wondered how they would get down, then an old women saw them looking down amongst their people and gave them tings and vines. She told them to twist the fibers together to make a rope. It took the girls many days and nights to make the rope. When they were done they asked the stars if they can go home for awhile and haul them up again, which was a lie. So the stars lowered the girls down but they lowered them down on the highest tree in the world. The girls wondered how they were going to get down from the tree then they saw a bear walking by and yelled to the bear: "Bear, if you get us down then we will sleep with you." But the bear being not stupid just igorned them and kept on walking.

Then they saw a buffalo walking by and they yelled to the buffalo the same thing and the buffalo being so eager tried and tried to get up the tree but failed. The buffalo yelled to the girls: "These hooves aren't made for climbing, get someone with claws." Then the buffalo went on his way.

Then they saw a coyote walking by and the girls yelled the same thing to the coyote. But the coyote replied to the girls: "I have a young jealous wife, she gets mean and nasty when I fool around with the other girls." Then the coyote went on his way.

The girls thought they would be stuck up there forever. Then they saw a wolverine pass but the wolverine who was ugly and no girl in the world would ever sleep with him. The girls yelled the something to wolverine. The girls didn't have to yell twice to get wolverine's attention. So wolverine went up and got one girl and got her down and immediately made love to her. Wolverine did the same thing to the other girl. But the girls had a problem, wolverine carried them back to the top and kept them there, because wolverine knew what he had and he didn't want the girls to get away.......ever.

One day when wolverine was hunting the girls saw wolverine women walk by and they yelled to wolverine women. "If you get us down, we promise you a handsome young man for you." So wolverine women went up and got them down and the girls ran off as fast as they could and never did they sleep outside the birchbark lodges.

When wolverine came back to make love to the girls he was in such a hurry that he didn't know that wolverine women had taken the girls places. In the morning when wolverine woke up to find wolverine women laying there beside him, he jumped and asked what had happened to the girls. Wolverine women told wolverine that she let them go because they promise her that there was a handsome young man always coming back for them and wolverine women wanted a handsome young man. Wolverine and wolverine women both agreed that they were both not the prettiest thing in the world and no-one would ever sleep with them, so they decided to stay together.


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