Windigo-The Evil Spirit

There are many Ojibway beliefs about Windigo that live among the Ojibway tribes.

Windigo is an evil spirit that lives among the helpless and needy. Windigo lives in the north and when his hunger kicks in he preys on the weak, which in turn the weak have bad dreams and that those are the ones that he possesses. Windigo finds these people and he promises them many great things and puts false hope in their hearts, so they agree to give him a place in their hearts and dream, then when the time comes when out of no reason the person has a craving for meat, which he tries to satisfy by eating moose or deer meat but is unable to satisfy the craving of human flesh. Especially when the person falls asleep the Windigo enters his body and beings to change into the spirit himself. Windigo’s main hunger for human flesh leaves’ nothing but disaster and fear among the Ojibway people.

Another story that the Ojibway people have repeated over the years is that in the winter where the deer and moose head for the winter, you must arrive early to set up a good hunting ground and if you are later and have a poor hunting grounds, then your family will starve and the Windigo spirit will enter your body and play with your vision. You or any of your family members who have the Windigo spirit in you will begin to see your family members as Beavers, for a short time you will fight the need of killing the so-called beaver, but the temptation will grow stronger and if you are strong enough, you will be able to warn your family, but if not then your family becomes another meal for Windigo.

Legends of my People: The Great Ojibway

Illustrated and told by Norval Morriseau

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