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Stained Glass


The Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery exhibits contemporary cultural material executed in the silica media - ceramics, blown and stained glass, and enamel - for public edification and enjoyment. Through collection, research, documentation, interpretation, and dissemination, we celebrate achievements in silica media.

By varying attention from traditional forms to vanguard expressions; by ranging perspectives from individual to collective; and by altering scope from regional, through national to international, we disclose multiple heritages and a plurality of directions.

Exhibitions, publications, tours, lectures, demonstrations, workshops, symposia and conferences are programmed to create a fertile environment for the silica arts.

Our collection is intended to conserve that part of Canadian heritage germane to our mission.

To encourage primary research and to stimulate scholarship in the area, we aim to serve as a specialized library, archive, and resource centre.


The objective of education programmes at the Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery is to avail the visiting public with rewarding and meaningful experiences of the silica arts. Through various initiatives we:

  • demonstrate physical and intellectual care of silica based artifacts

  • explore the historical and cultural resonance of the silica arts, examining traditions and innovations

  • increase familiarity with the terms of materials, processes, and forms related to silica-based arts, expanding the visitor's interpretive facility and visual acuity

  • extend understandings through studio-based programming and direct, hands-on experience when feasible

  • develop new audiences
  • promote expression, both individual and collective, through the exploration of visual ideas -- endorsing the power of artifacts to contain and communicate complex, non-verbal ideas

  • foster dialogue and debate as caring contexts for the art objects and their creators

  • recognize and embrace diversity in both creative origin and audience constituencies

  • provide leadership through excellence and innovation in education research, programming, publication, teacher and docent training, outreach, and museum studies

We achieve our educative purposes through programme activities such as exhibitions, interpretation, publications, guided tours, courses, workshops, lectures, demonstrations, symposia, conferences, etc.

As a public institution, we uphold the principle of equity in access.

For more information, please contact the Gallery:

The Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery is located at:
25 Caroline Street North
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
N2L 2Y5

Phone number: 1-519-746-1882.

Exhibitions & The Gallery Shop are open to the public
Tuesday - Saturday, 10am to 5pm.