

All of the photographs contained within this site are the property of the Cape Breton Miners' Museum. All information contained within this site is the property of the Cape Breton Miners' Museum, except information contained within the files tfuture1.html and future1.html, which is the property of Cape Breton Development Corporation.

Special Thanks

We would like to send out a special thanks to the following for all of their co-operation:
Tom Miller, Cape Breton Miners' Museum
The Cape Breton Miners' Museum
Cape Breton Development Corporation

The Team

Project Manager - Sean Coyle
The responsibilities are many at the top, and Sean met all of them head on. In addition to overseeing the production of the entire project and keeping it on schedule, Sean was responsible for sorting through all the information and photographs to determine what was appropriate and in which section it should go. On the development side, he performed all of the CGI scripting and helped out with the HTML programming.

Rob Kean
With pages and pages of information, one person had to be responsible for digitizing this information, and ensuring its accuracy. Rob also contributed to the HTML programming and performed all revisions required for completion of the site.

Stephen Green
Creating an interesting look and feel for a web site is a difficult task, but we think that Stephen did an excellent job. Keeping in mind the conditions that underground coal miners have to endure, the color scheme features shades of gray and black. He ensured that all images had a consistent look, and also designed all of the graphics.

Mike Donovan
With eighty pages, this site required a lot of HTML programming. Mike put his nose to the grindstone, and with some help from others, pumped out page after page of content.

Shawn Green
A lot of initial information was required before the final content for the site could be determined. Shawn spent countless hours researching information and browsing through documents to find a selection of interesting topics. Once this was complete, he worked in conjunction with Sean to sort through all of the information, and he edited and proofread the final content.

Graphics Version  |  Text Version  |  Front Page

Created by Virtual Media Productions Ltd., © 1997.