Central Goals

As a result of discussions among participants regarding the purpose and scope of The Grand Strategy, two central, long-term goals for actions were identified. Definitions for key words were crafted to ensure a common understanding of each goal. These central goals are:
  • To strengthen, through shared responsibility, the knowledge, Stewardship and enjoyment of the heritage and recreational resouces of the Grand River watershed.
  • To improve the well-being of all life in the Grand River watershed.


To instill the values of openness, clarity, understanding, sensitivity, holism, action, integrity, and accountability in the stewardship and enjoyment of heritage and recreational resources.

Shared Responsibility

The fair distribution of roles and commitments in the management of heritage and recreational resources


The learning and communicating of the characteristics, worth and interrelationships of heritage and recreational resources.


The identification, protection, interpretation, and responsible use of heritage and recreational resources with respect for the past, present and future generations.
