Executive Summary

The Grand River valley is unique. It boasts a rich diversity of heritage resources which illustrate key elements in the history and the development of Canada. A broad range of excellent recreational opportunities is provided by the river and its tributaries. These resources represent the basis for the nomination of the Grand River and its four major tributaries, the Nith, Conestogo, Speed and Eramosa, to the Canadian Heritage Rivers System.

In order for a river to be formally designated to the System, its managing agencies must demonstrate how the outstanding heritage and recreational resources will be conserved, interpreted and enhanced in accordance with and in the spirit of established CHRS objectives, principles and procedures. In the case of the Grand, the area to be designated and managed as a Canadian Heritage River will include the entire Grand River watershed.

Designation of the Grand River as a Canadian Heritage River is not legislated. The Canadian Heritage Rivers System honours important Canadian rivers and gives them national and international regard. Recognition of the Grand River valley as a desirable place in which to live, work and play will increase potential for tourism and economic development.

The management plan for the Grand River as a Canadian Heritage River is called The Grand Strategy and represents a new approach to fulfilling CHRS requirements. Unlike most Canadian Heritage Rivers, the Grand is located in a densely populated part of Canada. Almost all of the lands within the watershed are privately owned. Within the Grand River watershed, the management of heritage and recreational resources is shared by federal and provincial agencies, the Grand River Conservation Authority, municipalities, Native Peoples, interest groups, associations, private businesses, educational institutions, and individuals. All stakeholders were invited to participate in the development of The Grand Strategy.

Conceived as a living document, The Grand Strategy is both process and product. This "first edition" of The Grand Strategy is the outcome of a collaborative process. As the process develops, new "editions" will be produced at critical stages determined by participants.

At the community open houses and workshops held in 1993, participants expressed the need to develop new approaches to resource management. They suggested several beliefs, values and principles which should provide the foundation for The Grand Strategy. They also identified key challenges and opportunities related to heritage and recreational resources within the Grand River watershed. This exercise provided the context for initiating actions in support of two central and long-term goals.

Central Goals

To strengthen, through shared responsibility, the knowledge, stewardship and enjoyment of heritage and recreational resources of the Grand River watershed.

To improve the well-being of all life in the Grand River watershed.

Several primary actions were identified by participants including:

These primary actions provide a framework within which stakeholders can volunteer specific actions in support of the central goals. These actions are being gathered and recorded in the Registry of Endorsements and Commitments under separate cover.

The key to securing a dynamic, living process is the establishment of a Coordinating Mechanism to integrate the actions of all contributors and to act as the "engine" which drives The Grand Strategy.

The Grand Strategy will evolve and mature as increasing numbers of stakeholders undertake specific actions in support of the Grand River as a Canadian Heritage River.

