Agricultural Groups Concerned about Resources and the Environment Inc. (AGCare)

Contact: Mary Wiley

Established: formed in 1988, incorporated in 1992

Address: 491 Eglinton Avenue, West 5th Floor, Toronto,ON M5N 3A2

Phone #: (416) 485-7730
Fax #: (416) 485-9528

Membership Size: 14 member groups representing 45,000 Ontario growers of field and horticultural crops.

Goals : The goal of AGCare is to represent Ontario crop growers on agricultural pesticide use, and other related environmentalissues.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Grower Pesticide Safety courses and certification
Ontario Pesticide Container Recycling Program
Ontario Farm Environmental Coalition - consists of AGCare, Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), Christian Farmers Association, Ontario Farm Animal Council - This Coalition created the Ontario Environmental Farm Plan (EFP), process.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Aggregate data from the EFP process, collected to help farmers and farm groups to plan and give direction to governments regarding present and future needs and priorities of the farm community in terms of reducing environmental risk on Ontario's farms, through good research and educational programs.
Time Frame: 1993 to present
Storage Method : Computer database c/o the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA)

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Ontario Farm Environmental Coalition (see above)
Ontario Pesticide Container Management Steering Committee - includes Crop Protection Institute (pesticide manufacturers)
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to AGCare : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Federal Pesticide Registration Review and ongoing implementation of reforms - 1989 to present.
Ongoing and various consultation with OMAFRA and MOEE regarding agricultural pesticide use and other related farm environmental issues.

Besides funding, the AGCare would like to see more resources in the areas of : n/a

Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, North Waterloo Region Branch

Contact: H.A. Whitney

Established: 1980

Address: 331 Batavia Place, Waterloo, ON N2L 3W1

Membership Size: 25-30 members

Phone: (519) 884-1302

Like our parent umbrella group, The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, our mission is 'the preservation of the best examples of the architecture of the province, and for the protection of its places of natural beauty'.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Publicizing and encouraging preservation and restoration of significant architecture: Castle Kilbride, Kitchener Gaol and Governor's House, Upper Doon, etc.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : n/a
Time Frame : 1987 - 1988
Storage Method : Paper files, slides.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the North Waterloo Region Branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario
Inventory and photos of 19th century houses with plastered porches and two little attic windows (throughout Waterloo Region).

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the North Waterloo Region Branch of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education or training in how to interest the public in the importance of the past on our present sense of identity (or lack thereof).
Access to information about old houses, buildings, barns, road sites, etc. that are being considered for construction.

Avon Trail

Contact: Jim Fischer

Established: 1975

Address: P.O. Box 20018, Stratford, ON N5A 7V3

Membership Size: 100 members

Phone #: (519) 271-7118

The main goals of the group are to maintain hiking trails, and to promote conservancy.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Low impact and non-intrusive trail maintenance of a 100 km trail from St. Mary's to Conestoga.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Avon Trail : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None
Besides funding, the Avon Trail would like to see more resources in the areas of : n/a

Brant Clean Water Coalition

Contact: Catherine Verrall / Andy Burns

Established: 1994

Address: 5 Drummond Street, Brantford, ON N3S 5Y9

Membership Size: 15 members

Phone #: (519) 756-6825

The main goal of the Brant Clean Water Coalition, is 'to work together for the health of the waters, essence of all life - because healthy community depends upon healthy ecosystem now, and for future generations'.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Spring clean-up, organized along a canal in 1993, 1994.
Organic gardening and promotion of an organic farmer's market (eliminating the use of pesticides which eventually enter waterways).
Environmental education using an organic vegetable plot used to educate neighbourhood children.
Promotion of water conservation through rainwater and household grey water collection for flushing and garden use.
Created 'Future Generations', a Roger's cable television program addressing issues of watershed problems in Brantford.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
The Brant Clean Water Coalition is a loosely formed collection of individuals with common concerns and commitment to gather information and report whenever they see the opportunity, either as individuals, with others, or with a few of their 'group'.
Effluent from a plastics manufacturing company in a wetland near a river - took photos and reported the incident.
Requested an investigation of air pollution under the Environmental Bill of Rights (February, 1995).
Monitoring oil on Mohawk Creek since a facility explosion in 1992.
Monitoring a large uncontained active dump of foundry tailings at the end of Powerline Road where underground streams drain into the river.
Monitoring of an old, dried up lagoon with sterile land and an empty drain marked poison near it.
Monitoring of leachate from buried, rusting drums by old glue factory, and other landfill issues
Examined the stock-piling of tires and reported to alderman which resulted in removal.
Examined sewer area in North West which contains rare vegetation, landforms, and evidence of gypsum.
Investigated sludge disposal practices from canal dredging in 1993.
Preserved a strand of 30 mainly unusually large hackberry on private commercial property.
Investigated a 'putrid' lagoon near D'Aubigny Creek behind an old Feed Mill.
Investigations of cross-overs in the sewage system.
Time Frame : Activities have taken place intermittently over the past year.
Storage Method : Paper files, snapshots, video film

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
The Brant Clean Water Coalition worked with the following groups in creating 'Enviroscapes', a monthly television program on Roger's that deals with environmental issues.
Brant Co. Environmental Group
Brant Field Naturalists
Transport 2000
Transportation Action Group

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Brant Clean Water Coalition
Records from City Hall regarding the North West trunk sewer, for example, geotechnical reports, and City submissions to the Province to obtain an exemption from Environmental Assessment requirements for the North West Industrial Area.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
In February of 1994, submissions were made to the local MPP, the Minister of Natural Resources, and to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, (London office), regarding the construction of the North West industrial sewer across an island, posing danger to drinking water intake downstream, and threat of collapse from probable gypsum formation and/or mines. There was also the danger of confrontation with the Six Nations Confederacy occupying the island to protect its environment.
Participated in an Open House regarding the D'Aubigny Creek Watershed Development.
Several members of the Brant Clean Water Coalition served as witnesses during the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing of a housing development on Shellard Lane in the watershed.

Besides funding, the Brant Clean Water Coalition would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training
Linkages with other groups
Access to information, specifically groundwater movement, water quality, contaminants, pesticides treatment, and alternatives to storm and sanitary water treatment.

Brant County Environment Group

Contact: Noel Almond

Established: 1989

Address: 16 Halftree Place, Brantford, ON

Membership Size: 20 members

Phone #: (519) 759-6755

Goals : The main goal of the group is to promote the preservation and protection of the environment.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
tree planting
picketing a fast food outlet
public forums on water contamination and pesticide use
public speaking
group members have been involved with the Mohawk Lake clean-up, which required some litter collection, and public displays

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : homeowner pesticide use, and related water contamination issues.
Time Frame : A year of so, for each.
Storage Method : Files and disks, some books owned by members, but not necessarily the group.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Brant County Environment Group : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Approached the City of Brantford regarding water contamination and pesticide use. Some of our members have been involved with waste diversion in Paris.
We do a lot of public speaking and bring in speakers on environmental issues, could be interpreted as reports on environmental issues.

Besides funding, the Brant County Environment Group would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training through information workshops and conferences etc.
Linkages with other groups.
Access to information on the Internet.
We could use information about attracting members to our group at a time when the public seems disillusioned with 'the environment'.

Brant Federation of Agriculture

Contact: Paul Mc Lellan

Established: 1950s

Address: R.R. #7, Brantford, ON N3T 5L9

Membership: 720 members

Phone #: (519) 752-6390

Goals : To address farm related issues.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Promoted the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Program and helped groups get started with the program.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : EFPs
Time Frame : 1993 - ongoing
Storage Method : The information is stored with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Brant Federation of Agriculture : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Submissions are made on behalf of agricultural issues. The group also meets with MPs and MPPs on a regular basis to discuss issues.

Besides funding, the Brant Federation of Agriculture would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to information about agriculturally related water issues.

Brant Field Naturalists

Contact: Duane Brown

Established: 1992

Address: 166 Sheridan Street, Brantford, ON N3F 4P8

Membership Size: 25 members

Phone #: (519) 751-4472 (Hm.) (519) 752-0655 (Wk.)

Goals : The main goals of the group are to educate members through meetings and field trips, and to improve knowledge of the area by research.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
'Greening Brant County' involvement - mass tree plantings on or near school sites. ('92, '93, '94 Arborweek). Also involves the schools near the sites.
Involved with the Naturalization Committee of the City of Brantford in planting/rehabilitation of City owned properties, (ongoing).

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Ontario Herpetofaunal Summary - ongoing.
Vegetation inventories - ongoing (Burford Town in 1994) with the help of advisors for information review and verification.
Time Frame : Ongoing
Storage Method : Paper files, although inventory data being transferred to a database.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Information sharing, advice and verification by:
Grand River Conservation Authority
Ministry of Natural Resources
University of Waterloo
University of Guelph
Hamilton Field Naturalists
City of Brantford (Naturalization Committee)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Brant Field Naturalists
1813 Vegetation maps of Brant County
early 1800's plant lists and field notes
403 consultant notes for road study

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Provided vegetation inventory to D'Aubigny Creek consultant.
Presented club's opinions on Brantford Southern Access Route at a formal meeting and also to Brantford City Council.

Besides funding, the Brant Field Naturalists would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training in plant identification for members.
Linkages with other groups to find out what other groups are involved in (particularly Brant County, but other areas too).
Access to funding information.
Some advice from experts on advocacy.

Brant Waterways Foundation

Contact: Mary Welsh

Established: 1988

Address: 310 Mt. Pleasant Road, Brantford, ON N3T 1V1

Membership Size: Board size 12 -14 people (all contributors are considered members)

Phone #: (519) 753-0053 (Hm.) (519) 754-6449 (Cel.)

Goals : The main goal of the Foundation is to provide funding to projects within Brant County that preserve, protect, restore or develop the natural waterways and their adjacent lands.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
D'Aubigny Creek fish habitat project - a project with the Brantford Steelheaders.
Whitemans Creek fish habitat improvements - a project with Trout Unlimited.
Funding partners with Environment Canada (Environmental Partners Fund), Grand Valley Trails Association, the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), and the City of Brantford in a $400,000 matching dollar project (1992, 1993, 1994). The project has involved the development of nature trails and their self-guided brochures, major tree planting, and bank stabilization works etc.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Helped to fund the Brant Field Naturalists' Field Guide.
Time Frame : n/a
Storage Method : The Guide Book

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Brantford Steelheaders
Trout Unlimited
Environment Canada
Grand Valley Trails Association
City of Brantford
Brant Field Naturalists

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Brant Waterways Foundation : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Brant Waterways Foundation would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Making other groups aware that the Foundation exists to help find qualifying projects in Brant County.

Brantford Garden Club

Contact: John Mc Clellan

Established: 1852

Address: 430 Wellington Street, Brantford, ON N3S 4B2

Membership Size: > 200 members

Phone #: (519) 759-4431

Goals : The main goals of the group are to promote horticultural pursuits within the City of Brantford and local environments.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Urban beautification through annual plantings on a continuing basis.
Development of an arboretum at Oak Hill cemetery in the city.
Financial contributions to various projects such as Project Paradise, and Waterworks Park Wildlife Garden, etc.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Brantford Garden Club : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Brantford Garden Club would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Brantford Master Gardeners

Contact: Pat Locker

Established: 1986

Address: R.R. #2, St. George, ON N0E 1N0

Membership Size: 35 people

Phone #: (519) 448-1081

Goals : The main goals of the group are to educate the general public in good gardening practices, and answer questions about problems in the garden.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
: Greening of Brant - tree planting

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities: Brantford Parks and Recreation Department - for tree planting and composting.

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Brantford Master Gardeners : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : Associated with the Parks and Recreation Board

Besides funding, Brantford Master Gardeners would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Brantford Southern Access Road (BSAR) Action Group

Contact: Carl Simpson / Catherine Verrall

Established: 1992

Address: 5 Drummond Street, Brantford, ON N3S 5Y9

Membership Size: 30 people

Phone #: (519) 756-5140

Goals : The main goals of the group are to stop the construction of the Brantford Southern Access Road (BSAR), and to work for a healthy community.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)

Planted two trees (quietly) by neighbourhood, on route of the BSAR.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
With the Canadian Law Association, engaged Edmond Geospherics Associates Ltd. (EGAL), consultants to study the probable contaminants in soil and water on the proposed BSAR route by the canal, based on historical evidence.
Researched and made many presentations regarding the potential environmental impacts of the BSAR.
Time Frame : April, 1992 - 1995
Storage Method : Paper files, reports, video. (EGAL reported on selected environmental costs of BSAR Jan.,1994)

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Luke Wintjes, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University (made video)
Brant Field Naturalists
Brant Co. Environmental Group

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to BSAR Action Group
Copies of old files, reports, correspondence regarding BSAR from the late 1950s.
Copies of old maps of the area.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Request to the former Minister of Environment for a bump-up to a Full Environmental Assessment. This was followed by a series of letters and statements to various ministries, and repeatedly to the Ministry of Environment.
58 presentations to City Council
78 presentations against the BSAR to the Environmental Assessment Advisory Committee hearings, December, 1993.

Besides funding, the BSAR Action Group would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Would like 'expert' assistance with our/community participation in the up-coming 'Transportation Study for Brantford', which may decide the fate of the BSAR.

Brantford Steelheaders

Contact: Larry Mellors

Established: 1984

Address: Unit #7 265 King George Road, Brantford, ON N3R 6Y1

Membership Size: 140 members

Phone #: (519) 758-9400 (Hm.) (519) 759-6310 (Wk.) 1-800-265-9990

Goals : Brantford Steelheaders is a chapter of the Ontario Steelheaders whose goals are to:
improve access for steelhead;
provide young rainbow trout with better habitat;
to provide representation to government and groups to promote the fulfillment of the above objectives; and
to instill conservation and ethical attitudes in our members and other steelhead fishermen.
We are committed to stream rehabilitation projects to benefit other fish species and aquatic life.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
As Brantford Steelheaders - the rehabilitation of Young Creek (Beginning in 1984) & D'Aubigny Creek (1991) & Whitemans Creek (1993) which included:
- debris removal;
- construction of cover structures;
- bank stabilizers;
- tree planting;
- building of brush piles for wildlife; and
- stream meandering and channelization using various types of wing deflectors.
As Ontario Steelheaders - use egg upwelling boxes to rear and hatch young steelhead on the Saugeen River (since 1980).

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Electro-fishing to collect bio-mass data on young of the year and fish populations temperature, stream flows, invertebrates
Time Frame : Since the beginning of each of the projects.
Storage Method : Paper files, and computer disks.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Districts of Simcoe, Cambridge and Owen Sound
Grand River Conservation Authority
Grey-Bruce Conservation Authority
Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority
Trout Unlimited, Whitemans Creek Chapter
Pauline Johnson High School
D'Aubigny Creek Environmental Council
City of Brantford, Parks and Recreation

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Brantford Steelheaders : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Representation to City of Brantford Council - Re: Degradation and sediment input to D'Aubigny Creek from new development.
Rainbow Trout Advisory Council - Re: Current Status and Problems encountered by rainbow trout in province.

Besides funding, the Brantford Steelheaders would like to see more resources in the areas of: : n/a

Caledonia Environmental Action Group

Contact: Lyle Marshall

Established: 1988

Address: 55 Banff Street, Caledonia, ON N3W 1C2

Membership Size: 4 - 5 members

Phone #: (905) 765-6719

Goals : The Caledonia Environmental Action Group acts as an environmental watchdog for the Caledonia area.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
landfill and incineration issues
Soil remediation
Time Frame : Seven years
Storage Method : Computer disks

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : Haldimand-Norfolk Organization for a Pure Environment (HOPE)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Caledonia Environmental Action Group : None
Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Submissions made to municipal level government regarding soil remediation.
Contacted the Ministry of Environment and Energy about a proponents plans to build an incinerator in the area.

Besides funding, the Caledonia Environmental Action Group would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to specific scientific information that would enable smaller groups to present factual information that would equip them to go up against larger proponents.

Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee

Contact: April Souwand

Established: 1992

Address: Planning Department, 73 Water Street North, P.O. Box 669, Cambridge, ON N1R 5W8

Membership Size: 10 members

Phone #: (519) 740-4601 Goals : The goal of the Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee (CEAC), is to advise Cambridge City Council of ways to protect, maintain and enhance the natural environment in harmony with the built environment.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
CEAC has the City Green Strategy Subcommittee which works with Cambridge community groups, schools, churches, and businesses as well as individuals to develop and execute projects which make a positive contribution to the local environment.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Cambridge Natural Areas Inventory - focusing on natural areas (wetlands, woodlands, etc.) outside of those already designated open space in the Cambridge Official Plan.
Cambridge Wetlands Project - focusing on completing wetland evaluation for all Provincially significant wetlands in the City as well as delineating locally significant wetlands.
Time Frame : 1994, 1995
Storage Method : Paper files, books, computer disks, tape recordings, etc.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
K-W Field Naturalists University of Waterloo
Ontario Heritage Foundation Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre
Cambridge Environmentalists Grand River Conservation Authority
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Regional Municipality of Waterloo

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee : None
Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : Ongoing function of the CEAC

Besides funding, the Cambridge Environmental Advisory Committee would like to see more resources in the areas of : n/a

Cambridge Riverbank Development Advisory Committee

Contact: Alex Koch

Established: 1976

Address: Community Services Dept., City of Cambridge, P.O. Box 669, 73 Water Street North, Cambridge, ON N1R 5W8

Membership Size: 4 council appointed citizens, 1 councilor, 1 GRCA representative, 3 staff

Phone #: (519) 740-4561

Goals : We are an advisory committee of the Cambridge City Council and our goals are as follows:
Planning and development of Grand and Speed Rivers including property acquisition/dispositions;
Implement long range plans for Cambridge riverbank;
Fundraising - developing partnerships - volunteers; and
Communications/Promotion of riverbank resource.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Organizing volunteer clean-ups/maintenance
Tree planting
Leading interpretive hikes
Riverbank trail improvement projects
Bird species list for the area at the confluence of the Grand and Speed Rivers

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Generally our work is related to long-range planning or to specific projects.
Time Frame : short duration
Storage Method : Paper files, drawings, brochures/files.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Knights of Columbus Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
Big Sisters of Cambridge Cambridge Visitors Convention Bureau
Cambridge North Rotary Club Many individuals
Preston Legion Branch 171

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Cambridge Riverbank Development Advisory Committee
Numerous photos and slides dating back to the mid-1970s.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Primarily the City of Cambridge, and the GRCA, in regards to parks and trail development, planning, and funding.

Besides funding, the Cambridge Riverbank Development Advisory Committee would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups.
Access to information about funding, volunteers, and corporate sponsors.
Other resources such as a full time staff person, more publicity and ideas about promoting awareness.

Canadian Heritage Rivers System

Contact: Michael Greco, Senior Advisor, Science Policy, Planning

Established: 1984

Address: 25 Eddy Street, Hull, Quebec, K1A 0M5

Membership Size: 14 Board Members, 5 Secretariat support staff

Phone #: (819) 994-3011

Fax#: (819) 994-5140


Goals :
National program to give national recognition to the important rivers of Canada which have made outstanding contributions to this nation's natural, historical, cultural and recreational identity.

To encourage the management of all rivers designated as Canadian Heritage Rivers in such a manner which ensure the long-term protection their natural, historical, cultural and recreational values..

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Working towards overall effective management and monitoring of the entire Grand River Watershed.

Working with the GRCA and the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Network of Environment Canada to establish the Grand River Watershed as an Ecological Science Centre with Don McIvor playing the lead co-ordination role for this purpose.

Also working with the Copper Trust's Fred McGarry toward the implementation of advanced software technology to enable effective and meaningful local group involvement in the monitoring of natural values.

In addition, CHRS is partnering Julia Morton-Marr and her International School Peace Gardens project, putting together the Watersheds Pathways for Peace Millennium Project for that organization and implementing it through all the schools in the Grand River Watershed.

CHRS is also partnering with Doug Hull and SchoolNet, to develop information on the Grand River for the World Wide Web, along with the 28 other Canadian Heritage Rivers now in the System. The pilot site can be viewed at

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities

Subject :
Through Senior Science Advisor, Mike Greco, the CHRS has actively been working with groups throughout the watershed to establish procedures and protocals for the inventory, monitoring and assessment of all natural, historical, cultural and recreational features and values in the watershed in fulfillment of those responsibilities, pursuant to the CHRS Objectives, Policies and Procedures (the OPP) which form the basis for CHRS operation nation-wide. The Environment Canada Environmental Innovations Program, now in its third year in the Grand River Watershed was an initiative spurred on by the CHRS Science advisor in an effort to fulfill the CHRS monitoring mandate.

Other programs in the watershed include water quality monitoring efforts by the Canadian Centre for Inland Waters, John Fisher, which were enhanced thro ugh partnership with the CHRS. CHRS is also an active participant in the developmental work of Fishermen Involved in Saving Habitat (FISH) and Ontario Streams.

CHRS background research, nomination document and management strategy for the Grand River were all accomplished with considerable financial and technical input from the CHRS.

Time Frame :
Background work: early 1990's
Nomination Document: mid-1990's
The Grand Strategy: 1994
Other monitoring efforts: late 1980's, early 1990's.
Grand River Conservation Authority is he depository for all this information and has extensive compendia of signatory groups involved, individual supporters and participants, and comprehensive background documentation in compencium format.

Maps and information are extensive, and are presented in just two or three substantial "background information" documents.

Storage Method :
paper, books, html, video, slides, tapes, photographs…

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
See the Grand strategy document and particularly, the groups I have mentioned above. You may wish to add the Canadian River Management Society to the list, c/o Mike Greco, President, 6333 Fortune Drive, Orleans, Ontario K1C 2A4. Tel.: 613-824-5600, Fax: 819-994-5140, and email:

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Cambridge Riverbank Development Advisory Committee
As above.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Just one meeting with Cambridge Planning Commission re: the importance of adding the Copper Trust as an important member of the planning team for the area.

Other major activities and events include the CHRS Designation Ceremony for the Grand and the one-year Anniversary ceremony.

Besides funding, the Cambridge Riverbank Development Advisory Committee would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups. To be kept up to date on the list of all groups, working within the Grand Strategy.

Canadian River Management Society
Mike Greco, President
6333 Fortune Drive
Orleans, Ontario
K1C 2A4

To be kept aware of all sources of information on the Grand River, such as this website, and to be added to the mailing list for any current information bulletins, newsletters, updates, or symposia, workshops, or conferences specifically directed at the monitoring and management of the Grand River Watershed.

Centre for Land and Water Stewardship

Contact: Dr. Stewart Hilts

Established: 1988

Address: University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1

Membership Size: No membership

Phone #: (519) 836-7657 (Hm.) (519) 824-4120, ext. 2702

Goals : To promote teaching, research, extension and information sharing on land and water stewardship.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
: Not directly. We provide information and guidance to groups and landowners who do this.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Most projects extend beyond the Grand River watershed and are research based.
Time Frame : Varies
Storage Method : Research data; small library; electronic database

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : Almost all our work is in partnership with an agency or farmer. Key partners include:
Agriculture Canada
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)
Conservation Authorities
Federation of Naturalists
Farmers Association of Ontario

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Centre for Land and Water Stewardship : Library on soil and water conservation dating to 1986 (not very old)

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : Policy papers for the Ontario Roundtable and the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE).

Besides funding, the Centre for Land and Water Stewardship would like to see more resources in the areas of: More time.

Citizens Network on Waste Management

Contact: John Jackson

Established: 1981

Address: 17 Major Street, Kitchener, ON N2H 4R1

Membership Size: 50 groups

Phone #: (519) 744-7503

Goals : The main goals of the group are to educate and lobby, in order to maximize resource conservation and to minimize waste disposal. Groups are carrying out work in various areas including the Grand River watershed.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Citizens Network on Waste Management
history of various waste disposal sites.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Submissions to provincial government on waste issues.

Besides funding, the Citizens Network on Waste Management would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups
Access to information regarding details of what types of wastes are being disposed at certain sites

Clean Water Coalition (Guelph)

Contact: Mike Pearson

Established: 1993

Address: c/o OPIRG 1 Trent Lane, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1

Membership Size: 45 members

Phone #: (519) 824-2091

The importance of water and the fragile ecosystems that depend on it, require stewardship by each community on a HIGH PRIORITY basis. It is more sensible and cost efficient to prevent further damage to our water resources, than to rely on remediation;
The Clean Water Coalition is an umbrella organization formed to meet the challenges of maintaining a clean and adequate water supply, on which all life depends. We support those who wish to be vigilant and responsive to local planning, waste and development issues that have direct implications to our water resources and the environment. We encourage a working rapport with other communities with whom we share our water and respect their Riparian Rights (common law governing the rights of those owning riverbank land to the use of the river);
Our intent is to promote the conservation, preservation and enhancement efforts, related to water issues and to be on the alert for possible causes of water degradation; and
By forming working groups within the coalition to address specific issues, we aim to pro-actively sustain our water resource and the environment that supports us all, through a community team effort.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
land use and urban development mainly in the Guelph area
contaminated sites mainly in the Guelph area
Time Frame : 1993 - present
Storage Method : Paper files

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), Guelph
Guelph Field Naturalists

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Clean Water Coalition (Guelph)
various studies on local development
most is included in OPIRG's Resource Centre

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Various development applications
Hanlon Creek Watershed Plan

Besides funding, the Clean Water Coalition (Guelph) would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training in environmental law
Linkages with other groups
Access to information, specifically regarding examples of alternative development farms.

Ducks Unlimited, Canada

Contact: Dr. R. A. Wishart

Established: Not indicated

Address: 566 Welham Road, Barrie, ON 40,000 in Ontario

Membership Size: 150,000 in Canada

Phone #: (705) 721-4444


The goals of Ducks Unlimited (DU), Canada are as follows:
to secure, and where necessary rehabilitate and manage wetland habitats;
to educate the public about the value of wetlands; and
to encourage governments to follow legislative and policy directions that promote the conservation of
wetlands in ways that encourage co-operation and respect landowner rights.
DU has local chapters operating throughout Canada. The local chapters are strictly fund-
raising in nature and all money raised is channeled back through DU Canada to be disseminated
throughout the province or country.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Wetland securement and rehabilitation programs have been delivered in Ontario for 25 years. Our annual budget is $3 million which secures and manages 15,000 acres annually. Presently we have 819 projects across Ontario encompassing 200,000 acres.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Wetland locations and characteristics
Time Frame : Last three years and ongoing
Storage Method : Files and computer

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities: None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Ducks Unlimited, Canada
Baseline wetland information on existing and potential wetland conservation projects.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Wetlands Policy
Environmental Bill of Rights
Planning Act
Conservation Easements
Wetland Rehabilitation

Besides funding, Ducks Unlimited, Canada would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to information about GIS systems, wetlands/watersheds, land use, wildlife inventories on wetlands of various types, and habitat locations of rare and threatened species.

Dufferin Environmental Concerns Committee

Contact: D. C. MacIver

Established: 1991

Address: R. R #1 Shelburne, ON, L0N 1S5

Membership Size: 300 + 1000's of community supporters

Phone #: (519) 925-3457

Environmental Conservation
Waste Management
Water and Air Pollution Studies

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Waste Management Planning
Preservation of the Aquifer
River Quality of the Headwaters of the Grand River

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Waste Management in Dufferin County
Headwaters of the Grand River
Time Frame : 1991 - ongoing
Storage Method : Paper files

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Waste Management Master Plan - Dufferin County
Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Dufferin Environmental Concerns Committee
Waste Management databases
Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Numerous: - Waste Management Presentations
Legal Briefs etc.

Besides funding, the Dufferin Environmental Concerns Committee would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training in waste management consultations and expertise.
Linkages with other groups such as universities, interest groups, and agencies both public and private.
Access to information such as waste management technical and scientific studies.
There is a need for government review agencies to do a more conscientious job in reviewing scientific and technical aspects of Master Plans.

Dunnville Bioregion Association for Community Planning Inc.

Contact: Dan Crumb

Established: 1992

Address: 162 Queen Street, Dunnville, ON N1A 1H6

Membership Size: Community wide

Phone #: (905) 774-5495 (905) 774-5207

Goals : The goals of the Dunnville Bioregion Association are:

to facilitate a community action program
to lead to a sustainable community using a bioregional approach and weighing social, economic, environmental and governance issues equally.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Yellow Fish Road The Grand Strategy Co-ordinating Committee
Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
Lower Grand River Steering Committee Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)
Dunnville Marsh Management Committee
International Mining and Chemical (IMC)
Corporation Decommissioning

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Conservation Council of Ontario Environment Canada,
Canadian Wildlife Service Farmers' Market Steering Committee
Clean Annapolis River Project Nova Scotia Great Lakes United
Dunnville District Heritage Association Grand River Conservation Authority
Town of Dunnville Haldimand-Norfolk Round Table
Dunnville Secondary School International Institute for Sustainable
Dunnville Chamber of Commerce Development
Dunnville Community Arts Committee Jobs Ontario Community Action (JOCA)
Dunnville Haldimand Business Development Centre Limnoterra Ltd
Dunnville Haldimand Community Futures Six Nations Land Research Office
Dunnville Recreation Facilities Advisory Committee Six Nations Eco-Centre
Ducks Unlimited Universities of Waterloo and Mount Allison
IMC Corporation Salter Research Services
Lower Grand River Land Trust Soil and Crop Improvement Association
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ministry of Natural Resources
Region of Haldimand Norfolk Trout Unlimited Canada

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Dunnville Bioregion Association : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Dunnville Council endorsed us to do a Community Action Plan
Canadian Wildlife Service
Ministry of Natural Resources
Grand River Conservation Authority
Jobs Ontario Community Action

Besides funding, the Dunnville Bioregion Association would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Dunnville District Heritage Association

Contact: Estelle Pringle

Established: 1986

Address: P.O. Box 41 Dunnville, ON N1A 1A3

Membership Size: 42 members

Phone #: (905) 774-6148

The main goal of the group is to bring together those people interested in the diverse heritage of the district to research, codify, retain, preserve, and present heritage data pertaining to the local area.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Development of the 'Heritage Grove'; a cooperative effort, spear-headed by the Dunnville District Heritage Association, involving the Horticultural Society and Town Centennial Park. It includes an 'Adopt-a-Tree' program and also 'In Memorial' Donations.
To establish a Carolinian Forest in our area.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Indirectly involved as a member of the Dunnville Bioregion Association.
Sustainable development in our region
Various activities - supervision for Yellow Fish Road
Drain Awareness Program by High school students
Time Frame : Done in 1994
Storage Method : Information has been gathered by the Dunnville Bioregion Association

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Town Parks and Recreation Committee
Dunnville Horticultural Society.

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Dunnville District Heritage Association
There is some environmental material in our history book, 'Grand Heritage', published in 1992.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Carolinian Report - Municipal

Besides funding, the Dunnville District Heritage Association would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups

Eden Mills Millpond Conservation Association Ltd.

Contact: Lee Bradshaw

Established: 1990

Address: 24 Park Street Eden Mills, ON N0B 1P0

Membership Size: 53 members

Phone #: (519) 856-4625 (Hm.) (905) 854-2205 (Wk.)

Goals : The main goals of the groups are as follows:
to restore, preserve, and maintain the Millpond in the village of Eden Mills as a site of historic and environmental significance and for the general benefit of the community:
To provide a site or sites for outdoor recreation and the peaceful enjoyment of nature for the public at large;
to preserve wetlands forming part of the Eramosa River for purposes of enhancing habitat for wildlife and conserving water resources; and
to promote through education and outdoor activities, the appreciation, understanding and conservation of wildlife and the natural environment.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Prepared a tree nursery, growing elm, maple, and wild cherry trees from local seeds.
Repaired main and upstream dams, putting in a cold water bottom flow discharge unit in main dam.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
monitored river temperatures above, below, and in Millpond since 1990
aquatic insect survey and inventory
bird walk in spring of 1994 - recorded a number of sightings
some wildlife sightings recorded for the past five years
Time Frame : River temperatures were recorded from 1990 - 1994.
Storage Method : Paper files, and computer disks

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
funding received from Environment Canada to carry out repairs to the main dam and the upstream dam in 1990 - 1991.
received assistance from the University of Guelph arboretum staff.

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Eden Mills Millpond Conservation Association Ltd.
River temperatures kept in booklet and transferred onto computer graphs
aquatic insect inventory

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Eden Mills Millpond Conservation Association Ltd. would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and Training
wildlife, plant and fisheries rehabilitation
control of purple loosestrife
rehabilitation of the Eramosa River to a cold water status suitable for trout
trout management and results of any fisheries surveys or studies
Linkages with Other Groups: Grand River Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources: Fisheries and Wildlife Department, any other groups interested in conservation of nature,
trout clubs or groups interested in stocking of pond and river, Rockwood Conservation Area
Access to Information
any publications or recent studies from any of the above agencies or anyone else knowledgeable about the environment.
speakers or presenters on environmental issues of interest and in regards to the Eramosa, Grand River systems.

Elmira Environmental Hazards Team

Contact: Al Marshall

Established: January 6, 1994

Address: 18 Bridge Street, West Montrose, ON N0B 2V0

Membership Size: full-time members = 2, supporting members = 20

Phone #: (519) 669-2801

The main goals of the group are to clean up Uniroyal Chemical Ltd., as well as other contaminated sites in the Grand River Watershed.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
dioxin research
PCB research
Hydrogeological research
Joined the Grand River Bioregion when it formed in March, 1994. It represents 11 environmental groups plus individual citizens along the Grand River.
Time Frame : January 6, to the present, and continuing
Storage Method : Paper files, books, computer disks, tape recordings, etc.
Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities: Grand River Bioregion, Lake Erie Alliance

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Elmira Environmental Hazards Team
Photographs of Varnicolour Chemical whose owner was convicted of an environmental offense in 1992.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Kitchener Council
Regional Council
Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) Approvals
MOEE Hamilton
MOEE Toronto
Federal Environment Ministry

Besides funding, the Elmira Environmental Hazards Team would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to information, specifically Municipal, Regional, and MOEE court transcripts.
More time

Elora Centre for Environmental Excellence

Contact: Patti Black

Established: 1992

Address: 160 St. David Street South, Fergus, ON N1M 2L3

Membership Size: ~ 500

Phone #: (519) 843-7283 Fax #: (519) 843-1910

The goals of the Elora Centre for Environmental Excellence include:
to improve environmental awareness in Centre Wellington, in the areas of energy, water, and waste.
to promote local green business and products.
to assist communities in designing and delivering environmental programs.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Conducted energy, water, and air quality seminars for homeowners and businesses.
Planted 16,000 trees in the Inverhaugh Flats area and Carroll Creek area.
Transplanted native plants away from an area that was to be developed.
Tree planting along streets and boulevards in the area.
Personalized conservation information delivered to over 500 homes (ongoing)
Classroom presentations on environmental issues in local schools.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Tree survey in Elora
Environmental (energy, water, water), audit information database for:
- residential homes
- 16 businesses in Elora
- 13 schools in Elora
Time Frame : residential - ongoing, schools - ongoing, business - six months
Storage Method : Paper files, computers

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Union Gas Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE)
Ontario Streams Friends of the Grand River
Elora-Salem Horticultural Society Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
Ontario Hydro Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA)
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Elora Centre for Environmental Excellence : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Reports to MOEE on a regular basis.
Submissions made to municipal government for various approvals.

Besides funding, the Elora Centre for Environmental Excellence would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training, Linkages with other groups
Access to information , specifically other resources and services available in the area.

Environmental Hazards Team for the Great Lakes Inc.

Contact: Pat Potter

Established: 1989

Address: P.O. Box GB344, R.R. #2 Gilmour, ON K0L 1W0

Membership Size: n/a

Phone #: (613) 474-0435

Goals : The main goals of the group include environmental education, and investigation to improve the condition of the earth.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
We were involved in an active tree planting program to create a buffer on the south shore of the Lower Grand River, and have assisted various schools in stream and habitat improvement.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
inventory of birds and plants (published)
monitor various sites on the Grand River
gather information in the watershed
Time Frame : 1989 to date. (added to information and photographic files from 1967 onwards)
Storage Method : Paper files, books, computer disks, tape recordings, boxes, and videotapes, etc.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
International Joint Commission (IJC)
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
Regional Municipality of Waterloo
other environmental groups and consulting firms

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Environmental Hazards Team for the Great Lakes Inc.
Complete records on:
Ontario Waste Management Corporation;
Smithville PCB site;
Electric Reduction Co./International Minerals and Chemical Co.;
Dunnville Rock Products; and
Young Sod Farm, a proposal for a sludge lagoon adjacent to a commercial greenhouse.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Regional Plan - submission
Contamination Sites Guidelines - several submissions to the Federal Government
Wetland Policy - submission to Ministry of Natural Resources
Lake Erie Management Plan - submission to Environment Canada

Besides funding, the Environmental Hazards Team for the Great Lakes Inc. would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training as we are always interested in learning. The group would like to see a 911 for the environment.
Linkages with other groups. We are currently building a network in the Lake Erie Watershed.
Access to information, specifically computer access.
We would like a copy of Sax, N.I. (1989). Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Eramosa Sounding

Contact: Mike Nagy

Established: 1990

Address: 191 Mackenzie Street, Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0

Membership Size: 8 - 10 (No current Projects)

Phone #: (519) 856-2073 (Hm.) (905) 470-4457 (Wk.)

Goals : To promote education regarding Rural Planning, Environmental, and Economic issues.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
'The Eramosa Green Paper' contains SOUNDING's recommendations for the Eramosa Official Plan. These recommendations result from extensive and ongoing research into what the people of Eramosa value about their community and how best to protect, preserve and enhance those qualities while still allowing for growth.
Time Frame : Since the fall of 1990.
Storage Method : Hard copy of paper and computer disks.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Ministry of Natural Resources
Grand River Conservation Authority
University of Guelph

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Eramosa Sounding: The Eramosa Green Paper

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : n/a

Fishermen Involved in Saving Habitat (FISH)

Contact: Les Stanfield

Established: 1989

Address: R.R. #9 Picton, ON

Membership Size: Coalition group representing ~ 50,000

Phone #: (613) 476-3255

Fishermen Involved in Saving Habitat (FISH), is a Coalition for the Conservation of Aquatic Habitat. Interest groups concerned about Southern Ontario's aquatic resources are reacting to the serious loss and continuing degradation of aquatic habitat and have formed a new coalition of those who depend on, enjoy, study and manage the aquatic resources of our area. The member organizations are working together to ensure the future protection and rehabilitation of these aquatic resources.
It is the mission of the Southern Ontario Chapter of FISH to ensure that future activities within our watersheds achieve a net gain of aquatic habitat.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
The Coalition seeks to ensure effective implementation of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans' (DFO) policy of Net Gain of aquatic habitat by means which include but are not limited to:
Promoting the implementation of land-use planning on a watershed basis;
Advocating more effective enforcement of federal and provincial environmental statutes and regulations to ensure the conservation of aquatic habitat;
Lobbying for enhanced federal and provincial legislation where it is presently inadequate;
Supporting government programs which seek to protect aquatic habitat; and
Educating Southern Ontario's citizens about the values of wetlands, clean and abundant water, and habitat vital to aquatic resources, and in doing so alerting those citizens of the need to conserve and protect these important aquatic resources.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Information dissemination activities such as: - gathering information about watershed management
- developing the Watershed Report Card
- developing a video on watershed management.
Time Frame : 5 or 6 years
Storage Method : Paper files, reports, and video

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
The groups involved were numerous, and it would be too exhaustive to list them all. Some examples however include:
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) DFO
Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) Environment Canada (EC)
Ducks Unlimited (DU) Teacher's Federations
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Areas (OMAFRA)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to FISH : None
Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
FISH has made many submissions in regards to watershed planning issues.
A submission was also made pertaining to the development of HWY 407.
The agencies involved with these issues include:
- Ministry of Transport, Ontario (MTO)

Besides funding, the FISH would like to see more resources in the areas of: Administrative assistance

Friends of Carroll Creek (working under the Friends of the Grand River)

Contact: Jim Clark

Established: 1991 - 1992

Address: 442 Union Street Salem, ON N0B 1S0

Membership Size: 50 members

Phone #: (519) 846-9010

The main goals of the group have been to establish a rehabilitation program. Carroll Creek, a tributary of the Grand River, has been degraded because of deforestation and uncontrolled cattle access. By reharmonizing the relationship between the biophysical components of nature and agriculture we will provide society with recreational opportunities, establish wildlife corridors and improve water quality while maintaining a viable agricultural system.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Mouth of Carroll Creek - planted 1000 ash, maple, oak and poplar and have electro-fenced the area for protection from cattle (500 feet), additional to farmer protection.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Our interest is rehabilitation of the creek, which has been impacted by deforestation and agricultural activities in the area.
Time Frame : Research in 1993, 1994, 1995.
Storage Method : G. I. S.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
University of Guelph
Local Interest Groups
University of Waterloo
Agricultural Groups Concerned About the Environment (AGCare)
Pilkington Council
University of Windsor
Friends of the Grand River
Aggregate Producer
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Grand River Conservation Authority
Ministry of Natural Resources
Ontario Cattleman's Association

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Friends of Carroll Creek
Temperature information data.
Bridge area reports of 1991.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Numerous federal, provincial, and local level submissions, regarding land stewardship and watershed planning issues.

Besides funding, the Friends of Carroll Creek would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training as we presently depend on GRCA
Linkages with other groups, as long as they are not too onerous on our administration
Access to information, specifically free access to federal and provincial digital land information files.

Friends of the Grand River

Contact: Doug Ratz / Ken Collins

Established: 1995

Address: P.O. Box 271 Fergus, ON N1M 3E2

Membership Size: 60 and growing

Phone #: (519) 787-4359

To secure and help enhance the Grand River's ecosystem.
To work in total partnership with the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) in every step of this process to ensure success of completed projects.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Tree Planting 1995 - 16,000 mixed deciduous/conifers in Wilsons Flats area along the Grand River.
Brown Trout 1995 - 24,000 yearling fish stocked throughout the cold water portion of the Grand River.
Adopt a Highway Program and numerous other organized clean-ups.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Spawning (Redd) Surveys - Cold water portion of the Grand River.
Redd excavations for analysis of embryonic development of successful Redds.
Temperature profiles and data collection regarding the Grand River Brown Trout Program.
Time Frame
Fall 1994 - Redd Survey
January 1995 - Redd Excavation
Storage Method
Information is stored with the GRCA, MNR, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities: DFO, MNR, GRCA

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Friends of Grand River : Being developed

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Friends of Grand River would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups, as co-operative inter-netting with other groups only strengthens accomplishments.
Access to information - Friends of Grand River are slowly developing computer and hard copies of stored paper work, although it is not yet organized.

Galt Sportsmans Club - Fishing Section

Contact: David Nichol

Established: 1954

Address: R.R. #2 Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0

Membership: 40 members

Phone #: (519) 621-3529

The purpose of this non-profit organization shall be: to conserve and urge wise use of our natural resources which include stable soil, unpolluted waters, perpetual forests, vegetation, fish, wildlife, scenic and recreational reservations, to improve and restore fish, game, and its habitat; to study local resource conditions and to co-operate with proper authorities in securing conservation plans and measures, for betterment to the benefit of all the community; to support sound conservation, and to oppose anti-conservation legislation; to promote good sportsmanship afield and to conduct ourselves so as to be an example of good and safe sportsmen; to respect the property rights of others; and to pass on to our heirs, the joys and privileges of a better outdoors.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Tree Planting

Stream Improvement - Mill Creek (Puslinch, Galt and Cambridge) - Wild Brown Trout

Raising and Release of large and small mouth bass in the club pond.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities

Subject : Mill Creek - Puslinch Township - Galt Sportsman Club (250 acres)

Time Frame : Since 1994
Storage Method : Paper files, books, computer disks, etc.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)
City of Cambridge

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Galt Sportsmans Club : None
Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Mill Creek Brown Trout Rehabilitation

Besides funding, the Galt Sportsman Club would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups, Access to information

Grand River Bioregion Association (GRBA)

Contact: Brenda Thompson Established: 1994

Address: 250 Dundas Street South Suite 130, Cambridge, ON N1R 8A8

Membership Size: We are an. association of 10 environmental groups: ~ 200 members

Phone #: (519) 740-0497

The Grand River Bioregion Association (GRBA) is a coalition of grassroots, environmental groups, along the Grand River. Our purpose is the protection and improvement of water quality in groundwater and surface water, within the watershed. The association endorses zero discharge of toxic and persistent pollutants along with protection for workers and communities and planning decisions that are sensitive to the ecological limitations of the Grand River watershed.
With this in mind, we promote solutions to problems related to industrialization and urban growth; non-toxic alternatives to industrial chemicals, waste reduction and recycling versus more landfills and incineration, and watershed planning, water conservation and use of local drinking water supplies, rather than Great Lakes pipelines. In short, the GRBA believes that the economic activities of upstream communities should not adversely impact the water quality of downstream communities.
The tasks or goals of the GRBA are as follows:
To bring together environmental groups focusing on water in a defined geographical area (Grand River Watershed) in order to share information and provide opportunities for support and collaboration in obtaining valid input into government decision making;
To promote a sense of responsibility and awareness that what happens in communities upstream affects communities downstream;
To provide a forum for creative problem solving to develop comprehensive strategies for water protection;
To promote water quality protection from a public interest perspective, that is from individuals and groups with no vested interest other than the health and well being of future generations within the Grand River watershed;
To provide in-depth, detailed analyses of water quality issues from a public interest/environmental perspective, for the general public;
To liaise with other local, provincial, national and international grassroots environmental, labour and native groups, in the Great Lakes Watershed;
To assist and empower other individuals and groups to become involved in the decision-making processes which affect water quality and supply in their communities; and
To employ consensus decision making and co-operative leadership.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Monitoring of contaminated sites, landfills, development proposals and aggregate extraction with a focus on how they affect groundwater and surface water in the Grand River.
Time Frame : In some areas as far back as 1980.
Storage Method : Paper files, reports, and computer disks.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Canadian Environmental Law Association
Great Lakes United
Lake Erie Alliance

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Grand River Bioregion Association
Technical Reports on contaminated soil and groundwater at Uniroyal, Safety Kleen, Varnicolour, Ciba-Geigy, Canadian General Tower, International Minerals & Chemicals.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Eastside landfill - Guelph (municipal)
Hanlon Creek Watershed Study - Guelph (municipal)
Canadian Environmental Protection Act Review (federal)
Request for Legislation to Protect Groundwater - Environmental Bill of Rights (provincial)
Response to Proposed Guidelines for Clean-up of contaminated sites Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE)
Long-term Water Supply Review (Region of Waterloo)
Official Policy Plan Review - Guelph, Cambridge, KW, Elmira
Commission on Planning Reform (provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs)
Provincial Wetland Policy (Ministry of Natural Resources)

Besides funding, the Grand River Bioregion Association would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to information
- Laboratories that can analyze water samples for volatile organics, metals, acids, extractables, and dioxins on a voluntary basis.
- Experts in Hydrogeology, Botany, Stream Ecology & Chemistry who are willing to assist groups like ours on a voluntary basis.

Grand River Heritage Mines Society

Contact: Ilse Kraemer

Established: 1993

Address: 23 Kings Hill Lane Brantford, ON N3T 6M3

Membership Size: 45 members

Phone #: (519) 756-6634

The main goals of the group are to research and record gypsum and other mines, as well as to search for unrecorded gypsum, and other mines in the Grand River area. The history of these mines is researched and published.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Geological Features
Inventory of plants, trees in Salina formation areas in the Grand River watershed.
Environmental hazards areas, some previously unknown dumps, etc.
Time Frame : Some years
Storage Method : Paper files, topographical maps, and photographs

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : Networked with many groups and ministries

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Grand River Heritage Mines Society : Too many to mention

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Grand River Heritage Mines Society would like to see more resources in the areas of: Education and training in geology, mining, (historic) maps etc.

Grand Valley Trails Association

Contact: Lois McGee

Established: 1972

Address: 197 Cornwall Street, Waterloo, ON N2J 1H7

Membership Size: 500

Phone #: (519) 745-5252 Goals:
The main goal of the group is the promotion of outdoor recreational walking that is compatible with the environment.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
No active involvement. Inherent in our activities is respect for the environment, but apart from work-party clean-ups on our trail twice yearly, we have had no outright improvement projects.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Grand Valley Trails Association
Records on file but not systemized.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Regional Council Planning (Region of Waterloo, Waterloo Municipality)
Brant Environmental Education Project (which builds & maintains a network of community trails in Brantford)
Council meetings and/or briefs regarding trail assurance (Cayuga, Elora, Fergus, Rails to Trails, Grand Valley).

Besides funding, the Grand Valley Trails Association would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to information, specifically landowner records. A methodology should be devised for maintaining these records, as well as archival material.
Would also like engineering expertise for building bridges.
Co-operation with the Grand River Conservation Authority and municipalities to research path along the River.

Green Leaf Project

Contact: Mark Whaley

Established: 1993

Address: 258 Willowdale Pl. Waterloo, ON N2J 3M4

Membership Size: 30 members

Phone #: (519) 886-4774

The goals of the Green Leaf Project are to:
To create a sense of stewardship within the community towards our open spaces, parks, greenways, and woodlots;
To promote and act as a catalyst to involve citizens in keeping our parks and open spaces clean and safe by
- holding an annual or twice yearly cleanup
- establishing a monitoring system
- offering to assist in maintenance and enhancement projects;
To network with other environmental groups.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Thousands of people participated in two 'Earth Days' hosted by Green Leaf.
'94 Earth Day - 2000 people participated in cleaning up greenspace, tree planting, painting, and garbage collection activities.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Catalogue grassroots organizations.
Promote an annual workshop to bring non-governmental groups together.
Time Frame : Since 1993
Storage Method : Paper files, film

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
City of Waterloo
Ministry of Natural Resources
City politicians

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Green Leaf Project :None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Waterloo City Council - exposure issues, promotion of events, and status reports.

Besides funding, the Green Leaf Project would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups and ideas on how to better network in the future.

Groundwater Alert

Contact: Brenda Thompson

Established: 1992

Address: 250 Dundas Street South Suite 130, Cambridge, ON N1R 8A8

Membership Size: 15

Phone #: (519) 740-0497

The main goals of the group are to promote sustainable use of groundwater resources in Cambridge, and to educate the public about ground/surface water contamination and its effect on the Grand River Watershed.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Impact of contaminated sites on groundwater resources in Cambridge
Phase-out of toxic and persistent substances and their use in Cambridge
Time Frame : Since 1992
Storage Method : Reports, newspaper clippings

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Grand River Bioregion Association
Lake Erie Alliance
Great Lakes United

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Groundwater Alert : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Proposed clean-up criteria for contaminated sites (Ministry of Environment and Energy)

Besides funding, Groundwater Alert would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Students or professors with expertise in toxicology, hydrogeology, industrial engineering, risk assessment, etc. who are willing to be expert witnesses at environmental appeal board hearings, environmental assessments hearings, etc.

Guelph Field Naturalists

Contact: Cheryl L. Anderson-Langmoir

Established: 1966

Address: P.O. Box 1401 Guelph, ON N1H 6N8

Membership Size: 250

Phone #: (519) 836-9989 (Hm.) (519) 824-4120 Ext. 3980

The main goals of the Guelph Field Naturalists are to:
promote understanding and awareness of the flora and fauna of Wellington County to its members, the public, with special attention to young people;
to be a positive advocate for the environment (hold regular meetings, outings and Young Naturalists Club, and fundraising activities).

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
From 1992 to the present, the Guelph Field Naturalists have been involved in creating a wildflower meadow and riparian shrub zone on City of Guelph property. This project is in partnership with the City of Guelph, and the Canadian Wildflower Society - Guelph Chapter.
Ongoing rescue and relocation of plants from development sites.
Tree planting projects with Trees for Guelph, Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) Speed River Project, and Wellington County School Boards.
Wildflower meadow creation at Guelph Lake Nature Centre with Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA).
Establishment and maintenance of a Bluebird Trail.
Creation of wood duck boxes on GRCA and public property with University of Guelph Wildlife Club.
1994 - Build new osprey nesting platforms at Guelph Lake (GRCA cooperation).
1993 - Built observation blind at Guelph Lake.
Naturalization and bird box installation at industrial site of Mc Neil Consumer Products, Guelph.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
3 or 4 development site inventories on request (from developers).
Ongoing flora and fauna inventories (used by consultants i.e. Hanlon Creek)
Participation in bird, mammal atlas, and breeding bird atlas.
Great Tree Hunt (with Roadside Heritage Trees Group)
Annual bird count
Time Frame : n/a
Storage Method : Paper files

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Green Plan Committee - City of Guelph
Federation of Ontario Naturalists (FON)
Council and Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), presentations regarding developments
Roadside Heritage Trees Group
City of Guelph
Canadian Wildflower Society - Guelph Chapter
Trees for Guelph
OPIRG Speed River Project
Wellington County School Boards
Funding partners for the projects include:
Friends of the Environment
Kiwanis Club
Environmental Partners Fund

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Guelph Field Naturalists
Bird sightings and flora and fauna records for the period of the club's history.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Guelph council and OMB presentations regarding development issues.

Besides funding, the Guelph Field Naturalists would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training in organization and information management skills, i.e., how to maintain knowledge base over time.
Linkages with other groups and more co-operative efforts. We would also like computer or Internet linkages.
Access to information, specifically records of flora and fauna for Wellington County.

Guelph Hiking Trail Club

Contact: Barbara McKivor

Established: 1973

Address: Box 1 Guelph, ON N1H 6J6

Membership Size: 400 members

Phone #: n/a

to stimulate interest in hiking
to establish and maintain trails for hiking
to encourage awareness of the natural environment
to promote the conservation of this environment

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Trail building and management

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Guelph Hiking Trail Club
Administrative Records only.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Involvement at meetings
- Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
- Hike Ontario
- Rails to Trails groups

Besides funding, the Guelph Hiking Trail Club would like to see more resources in the areas of:
A central depository for information on environmental organizations containing the above information.

Guelph Horticultural Society

Contact: M. Smith

Established: 1900

Address: 18 Forbes Avenue Guelph, ON N1G 1G3

Membership Size: ~ 600 members

Phone #: n/a

To promote horticulture.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Tree planting

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : City of Guelph

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Guelph Horticultural Society : Annual year-book

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Guelph Horticultural Society would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Haldimand-Norfolk Round Table on Environment and Economy

Contact: Tom Campbell

Established: December of 1992

Address: 348 Norfolk Street South Simcoe, ON N3Y 2W9

Membership Size: 12 - 13 members

Phone #: (519) 426-3387

The main goals of the group are as follows:
to act as a proactive, community based advisory body to all social, economic and political sectors of the region on how to achieve a sustainable environment and economy;
to establish a working relationship between the Haldimand-Norfolk Round Table and all stakeholders including local government. (Have two representatives from regional government);
to encourage more local self-sufficiency and community economic development; and
to promote employment, investment and spending at the local level.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
We worked with the Haldimand-Norfolk Region in the production of a household waste reduction guidebook, "Towards Zero Waste". A feature of the book is a home waste-reduction audit.
A brief on sustainable components of the Official Plan Review was presented to the Regional Planning Committee in December of 1993.
The Ecotourism Task Force is networking with the regional Planning and Economic Development Department, and local tourist groups to promote all-season activities such as birding at Long Point, cycling and hiking trails, and Grand River attractions.
A brief on the Durable Artifacts from the S. S Atlantic wreck as a Memorial and Major Tourist Attraction in the Haldimand-Norfolk Region has been sent to the Provincial Government. It's been accepted in principle by the Haldimand-Norfolk Planning and Economic Development Committee on April 13, and is gaining support among local businesses. The dispute over ownership of the wreck is presently being challenged in the courts, but there is general agreement locally that if the durable artifacts aren't properly removed soon, they will be removed for black market sale, or by souvenir divers. (the wreck is 160 feet deep)
A task force on Environmental Management for Small Business has been set up. We will work with local business reps to set up short guidelines for environmental audits. Environmental audits in homes, farms, and businesses are a major step in our progress towards a sustainable society.
The Haldimand-Norfolk Round Table is networking with local Health Councils and Departments.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : See above
Time Frame : Since January 1993
Storage Method : n/a

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Haldimand-Norfolk Region
Regional Planning Committee
Regional Planning and Economic Development Department
Local tourist groups
Local business representatives
Local health councils and departments

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Haldimand-Norfolk Round Table on Environment and Economy : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
A brief on sustainable components of the Official Plan Review was presented to the Regional Planning Committee in December 1993.
A brief on the Durable Artifacts from the S. S. Atlantic wreck as a Memorial and Major Tourist Attraction in the Haldimand-Norfolk Region, has been sent to the Provincial Government.

Besides funding, the Haldimand-Norfolk Round Table on Environment and Economy would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to information, specifically environmental management systems for small businesses to deal with issues such as waste oil recovery.

Hamilton Naturalists' Club

Contact: Brain Mc Hattie

Established: 1919

Address: P.O. Box 89052 Hamilton, ON L8S 4R5

Membership Size: 500

Phone #: (905) 627-3499

The main goals of the club are to conserve and protect natural areas in the Hamilton Study area, which represents a 40 km circle around the historic site of Dundern Castle.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Peregrine Falcon release program - six falcons were released from the roof of Mohawk college.
Involved in a bald eagle release program.
Tree planting initiatives in the Hamilton Study area.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Biological inventory work including breeding birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, butterflies, moths and plants.
The Club has produced two publications which are both available through the Club. The Hamilton Herpetofaunal Atlas (containing information on reptiles, amphibians etc. in the area), available for $20-, and the Natural Areas Inventory for Hamilton-Wentworth (two volumes), available for $60-.
The publication of the newsletter entitled the 'Wood Duck'. It is a monthly publication that includes bird, butterfly, and moth records.
Time Frame : five - seven years
Storage Method : Information is stored in the two volume publication available from the Club, and in computer databases.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
The Natural Areas Inventory was undertaken by a technical steering committee, a partnership made up of members from the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth, the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE), the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the Hamilton Region Conservation Authority, the Halton Region Conservation Authority, the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, and the Royal Botanical Gardens.
The establishment of the Hamilton Herpetofaunal Atlas, was a joint effort with MNR.

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Hamilton Naturalists' Club
Bird records from the 'Wood Duck' newsletter, dating back to the early 1950s.
Minutes from Club meetings dating back to 1919.
Back issues of the 'Wood Duck' newsletter dating back to the 1950s.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Municipal Councils
Niagara Escarpment disputes mechanism - Presented to the Hearing Board in regards to the development planned along Grovois Road in Dundas/Hwy 99.
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) - Flambourough - Beverly Swamp housing development. Acted as expert witnesses on behalf of a Citizen's group.
Environmental Assessment Board Hearing on the Steetley Land Fill.
Presented to the Transportation Services Sub-Committee in regards to the Redhill Creek Valley Expressway.

Besides funding, the Hamilton Naturalists' Club would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training for Board members on how to prepare internal strategies for the Club. Also board skills to develop action and strategy plans. Training in fundraising and encouraging bequests.
Linkages with other groups and the creation of better networking opportunities.
Access to information, specifically to learn more about the Environmental Bill of Rights, or any other legislation that could be used to help stop developments. What about the potential to sue offenders?

Headwaters Coalition

Contact: Don MacIver

Established: 1994

Address: R.R. #1 Shelburne, ON L0N 1S5

Membership Size: private

Phone #: (519) 925-3457

Sustainable development of the headwaters
Environmental and economic prosperity
Eco-tourism and social well-being
Environmental education and biodiversity conservation

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
'Green Wave Ontario' (lilac, honeysuckle and wildflowers) - Planting and eco-observer program throughout the Grand River watershed.
Waste management initiatives.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Phenology - 'Green Wave Ontario'
- Eco-observer program
Waste management studies
Time Frame : 1994 - ongoing
Storage Method : Digital, computer disks

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) - Green Wave Ontario
Headwaters Municipalities - Waste management

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Headwaters Coalition
Climate databases
Phenology databases

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Waste management presentations
Phenology - Eco-observation lectures
Climate change

Besides funding, the Headwaters Coalition would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training in environmental issues such as climate change and variability, bio-diversity conservation, waste management, social, economic, and heritage issues.
Linkages with municipalities, GRCA, Ministry of Environment and Energy, and Environment Canada.
Access to information such as physical, economic, social, and environmental databases. Also information on human health, aquifers, climate, etc.

International Co-operation of Children (ICOC) - Trees for Life Canada Inc.

Contact: Radha Zaidi

Established: Aug. 1991

Address: 143 Cayuga Avenue Ancaster, ON L9G 3B2

Membership Size: Board of Directors

Phone #: (905) 648-0927 (Wk.) (905) 648-2258 (Hm.)

International Co-operation of Children (ICOC), - Trees for Life Canada is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to promoting environmental education to children through the 'Grow-a-Tree' Project. They grow their own trees from seed to sapling learning basic concepts in science and technology.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Tree Planting ceremony with school children from Canada and China

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Tree Plan Canada
School Boards across Canada

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to ICOC - Trees for Life Canada Inc. : None

Besides funding, ICOC - Trees for Life Canada Inc. would like to see more resources in the areas of: Education and training and linkages with other groups

Jesuit Farm Project

Contact: Diane Baltaz/Dave Shulist

Established: 1985

Address: P.O. Box 1238 Guelph, ON N1H 6N6

Membership Size: 7 core members

Phone #: (519) 824-1250

Goals : The main goal of the Jesuit Farm Project is to investigate faith/justice issues in farming, with some emphasis on ecology.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
The Jesuit Farm Project has been involved in activities on Ignatius Farm Lands, 500 acres;
Tree planting
Clearing of nature trails for visitors

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Jesuit Farm Project
Township official plans
Some recall from older Jesuit brothers of the past 40+ years

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) - biocide use of lands

Besides funding, the Jesuit Farm Project would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups is a good idea. We would like to create an official 'eco-centre' with a working farm.

Kitchener-Waterloo Bassmasters

Contact: Steven Cooke

Established: 1992

Address:1572 Victoria St. N. Kitchener, ON N2B 3E5

Membership Size:~75

Phone #: (519) 749-1620 (Hm.)

To promote and support approved conservation policies, practices and measures, preservation of aquatic resources, improvement of ecological and evironmental conditions on regional, provincial and local levels.
To encourage youth fishing and high standards of sportsmanship and conservation ethic.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Application for CFIP and Canada Trust Friends of the Environment Grants - 1996 (Money would be used to provide additional coverage of reservoirs.)
Deposited Christmas trees in the Belwood Reservoir with the GRCA.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
We have kept records on tournaments, i.e. description of fish caught, scale samples, length, width, catch per unit effort, etc.
Funded Angler Diary Program in co-operation with the GRCA and the University of Waterloo.
Time Frame : 1992 - present
Storage Method : Paper files, diskettes.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) - Information from tournaments shared with GRCA. All relevant tournaments are cleared with the appropriate government agency.
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) - Cambridge district
City of Kitchener - Parks and Recreation Department
Grand River Collegiate Institute - Environmental Science Classes
Provincial Conservation Committee - Ontario Bassmaster Federation

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Kitchener-Waterloo Bass Club :
Tournament data - already shared with GRCA.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
GRCA - sent letters regarding competitive angling, habitat restoration, harvest regulations, etc.
Editorials in newspapers.
Position Paper on Fisheries Management in the Grand River Watershed (1996).
Delegations sent to GRCA Reservoir Gravel Extraction input meeting (1996).
Delegations also sent to the City of Kitchener - Bickle Pit Restoration meetings.

Besides funding, the Kitchener-Waterloo Bass Club would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Development of a Web Page.
Expansion of Youth Education Program.
Education or training from guest speakers on the topics of warm water fisheries improvement etc.
Linkages with other groups interested in warm water fishery restoration/conservation. Not much work has been done on warm water fisheries - it is mostly done on cold water fisheries.
K-W Bass Club Hotline and media exposure.

Kitchener-Waterloo Field Naturalists

Contact: Derek Kirkland

Established: 1943

Address: 317 Highland Road East Kitchener, ON N2M 3W6

Membership Size: 250 members

Phone #: (519) 747-9553

Goals : The main goals of the group are:
Local Conservation
Nature Education
Environmental Action

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Schaefer's Woods Clean-up
Peregrine Falcon Release Project
Workshops for Building Bluebird and Bat boxes
Great Tree Hunt
Restoration and Vegetation around Erb Street Landfill
Tree Planting in Several Communities
Maintain two Wildlife Sanctuaries
Rails to Trails

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Ontario Bird Atlas Project
Bird Records - Record Sightings for Region - project to computerize these
City of Cambridge - Natural Heritage Inventory (ongoing at present)
Great Tree Hunt - Inventory of large trees in Region
in the process of writing nature guide to Waterloo Region regarding accessible places for nature appreciation.
Time Frame
Bird Atlas: 1981 - 1985
Club Bird Records: not sure, since ~1970s
Storage Method
Paper files (in the process of computerizing bird records), and books (i.e. the bird atlas)

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Regional Municipality of Waterloo
City of Cambridge/Waterloo/Kitchener
Federation of Ontario Naturalists
Tree Plan Canada
Ministry of Natural Resources
Grand River Conservation Authority

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Kitchener-Waterloo Field Naturalists
Bird records for Waterloo Region

Historical records, minutes, etc. pertaining to the club and club activities since 1934.
Publication: Great Trees of Waterloo Region

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
City of Waterloo: Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearings regarding West side development and wetland development.
Regional Municipality of Waterloo: input on Official Plan (update in 1994), groundwater protection committee.
City of Cambridge: development issues and natural heritage inventories.
City of Kitchener: scenic roads.
Note: We have club members who sit on various committees and represent our club.

Besides funding, the Kitchener-Waterloo Field Naturalists would like to see more resources in the areas of:
More time for all the demands put on us by various agencies asking for input, opinions and to sit on committees, etc.
Linkages with other naturalists clubs in the region.

Laurel Creek Citizens' Committee

Contact: Mike Lobsinger or Pauline Richards

Established: 1990

Address: 562 Fallingbrook Drive Waterloo, ON N2L 4N4

Membership Size: 65 members

Phone #: (519) 888-6917 (Hm.) (519) 885-4755 (Wk.)

The mission statement of the Laurel Creek Citizens' Committee is as , 'We, the Laurel Creek Citizens' Committee; are committed to protecting, rehabilitating and enhancing Laurel Creek and its tributaries, raising public awareness and working with Council (of the City of Waterloo) as a community resource'.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Tree Planting
- Cedar Creek behind Albert McCormick Arena and Grand River Conservation Authority
- (GRCA) lands along Laurel Creek.
- Hillside Park, along Laurel Creek
- Clair Creek
Stream Rehabilitation
- on-going along Laurel, Clair, and Beaver Creeks
- stabilizing banks, narrowing channels, removing debris

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Trout Unlimited
City of Waterloo
Bluevale Collegiate Environment Club
Boy Scouts

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Laurel Creek Citizens' Committee : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Laurel Creek Citizens' Committee would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training in monitoring and assessing activities, and means to educate the public.
Linkages with other groups, especially Trout Unlimited.
Access to information about what else is going on in the watershed and who owns the land along the creeks.
We need more volunteers.

Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC), Brantford Heritage Committee

Contact: Anne Westaway

Established: 1977

Address: 151 Brant Avenue Brantford, ON N3T 3H6

Membership Size: 13 members

Phone #: (519) 758-0454 (Hm.) (519) 753-1570 (Wk.)

The main goal of the Brantford LACAC, is heritage preservation.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Built an environmental inventory of tree species. We are beginning a broader based district study under the Ontario Heritage Association.
Time Frame : 15 years

Storage Method : Paper files, books, and computer disks.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
City of Brantford - Parks and Recreation Department
Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Brantford LACAC
Downtown inventory, Heritage Districts

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Heritage matters including all City demolitions.
Tree preservations - made submissions to City Council

Besides funding, the Brantford LACAC would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with built and natural environmental groups.
Access to engineering and planning information such as road proposals, planning subdivision plans etc.
The group would also like an office, better files, and better access to municipal councillors credibility.

Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC), Wilmot Township

Contact: Al Junker

Established: 1984

Address: 60 Snyders Road West Baden, ON N0B 1G0

Membership Size: 10 members

Phone #: (519) 662-3890 (Hm.) (519) 634-8444 (Wk.)

Architectural preservation;
Preservation of historical archival material relating to Wilmot Township;
Education of the public on Wilmot Township's heritage; and
Preservation of our Natural Heritage.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Wilmot Township, LACAC
The Township of Wilmot has an archival collection housed in the Sir Adam Beck Archives located at Castle Kilbride. The Municipality continues to collect material relating to Wilmot Township.

Besides funding, the Wilmot Township, LACAC would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Would like access to information and information sharing regarding protecting natural heritage features like woodlots, wetlands, individual trees etc.

Lower Grand River Land Trust Foundation

Contact: Cindy Presant

Established: March, 1993

Address: General Delivery Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0

Membership Size: ~ 50 members

Phone #: (905) 772-3391 Ext. 250 (905) 772-3878

The Lower Grand River Land Trust (LGRLT) takes a progressive role in heritage protection, through
education, presentations, and working in partnership with other local conservation organizations. The
objectives of the LGRLT are as follows:
to preserve the natural, cultural, and agricultural heritage of the Lower Grand River area;
to encourage the protection of heritage using a range of conservation tools;
to educate communities about the importance of habitat protection;
to establish partnerships with local organizations to work on co-operative projects; and
to hold properties in trust, in perpetuity, for their heritage values for the benefit of the people.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Natural Heritage Stewardship Landowner Contact Program in the North Cayuga Slough Forest (summer, 1993).
Conserving lands in the Lower Grand River Valley (fall, 1993 - summer, 1994)
Preparing to monitor a conservation easement in the Caistor-Canborough Slough Forest (a Carolinian Canada site). The LGRLT will be the first non-government organization to monitor an easement in Ontario. Approval is pending from the Ontario Heritage Foundation.
Conducting interpretive hikes through sections of the North Cayuga Slough Forest (working in co-ordination with the Grand Valley Trail Association for publicity and participation).
Participating in the Ministry of Transportation's (MTO) Adopt-a-Highway program.
Promoting the LGRLT throughout its Area of Interest, through press releases, presentations to local groups, and responding to information requests.
Developing the LGRLT's property acquisition program, through negotiating for ownership and local management of a 520 ha property north of Cayuga called Ruthven Park. This property contains over 220 ha of North Cayuga Slough Forest, three farms, extensive riverine environment, and an 1840's Greek Classical Revivalist mansion.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Land Owner Contact and Land Acquisition Programs
Natural Areas research
Education Programs
Establishment of Trail/Butterfly gardens
Time Frame : Duration of projects vary
Storage Method : Paper files

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Hamilton Naturalists' Club
Haldimand Board of Education
Laidlaw Foundation
Ontario Heritage Foundation
Wildlife Habitat Canada

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Lower Grand River Land Trust Foundation
Some information and inventory reports pertaining to the subject area. This also includes information about Natural Areas and related policies etc.
Ruthven park estate material dating from the 1830s to the 1920s. This is not yet available to the public.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Sent to municipal council in support of Carolinian Canada.
Sent to municipal council to encourage support for the Ruthven Park Project.

Besides funding, the Lower Grand River Land Trust Foundation would like:
Education and training in fundraising, Natural Areas, inventory skills, and regarding the expectations and responsibilities of Non-Profit Boards of Directors.
Linkages with other groups.
Would like more information about the negotiation for land and the associated costs. As well, information regarding legal perspectives, and working with lawyer would also be useful to know before activities get underway.

Marsh Monitoring Program

Contact: Natalie Helferty / Amy Chabot

Established: 1994

Address: Long Point Bird Observatory P.O. Box 160, Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0

Membership Size: 700

Phone #: (519) 586-3531

The main goals of the group are to survey marshes in the Great Lakes Basin (Canada and the US), for marsh birds, frogs, and toads using call identification to detect existing habitat availability. The group is also involved in comparing Areas of Concern (AOCs), along the Great Lakes shoreline to non-AOCs to help determine what, if any, remedial actions need to be undertaken in AOC sites.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Marsh bird inventory and marsh habitat assessment - 1994.
Marsh bird, frog, toad inventories, and marsh habitat assessment - 1995.
Monitoring to be continued beyond 1995.
Time Frame
1994 and 1995 (spring and summer only)
Storage Method

Paper files, data forms, computer database information of summarized data. 1994 results newsletter and reports.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO) - base of operation
Canadian Wildlife Service and Great Lakes Clean-up Fund (Environment Canada)
US Great Lakes Protection Fund
All Remedial Action Plan (RAP) groups, and Public Advisory Committees (PACs), on Canada and US Great Lakes.
Great Lakes United (GLU), subcontracted by LPBO.

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Marsh Monitoring Program ; None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
1994 Newsletter for Marsh Bird Monitoring Program sent to Canadian Wildlife Services (Environment Canada) for information dissemination about 1995 program, and 1994 results.

Besides funding, the Marsh Monitoring Program would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to information, specifically any other group or persons doing marsh bird or frog/toad surveys, besides through our program. Any past records of surveys, including informal surveys and field notes of species present.

Norfolk Field Naturalists

Contact: Betty Chanyi

Established: 1962

Address: R.R. #1 Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0

Membership Size: 105 members

Phone #: (519) 586-7175

The main goals of the group are nature appreciation and preserving the environment.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Tree planting
Great Tree Hunt
Large snake survey
Karner Blue Butterfly re-establishment
Amphibian survey

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Amphibian survey taken over by Environment Canada.
Time Frame : Two years and on-going
Storage Method : n/a

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : Federation of Ontario Naturalists (FON)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Norfolk Field Naturalists : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk
Provincial Government
Township of Delhi

Besides funding, the Norfolk Field Naturalists would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Ontario Cattleman's Association

Contact: Peter Doris

Established: 1963

Address: 130 Malcolm Road Guelph, ON N1K 1B1

Membership Size: 40,000

Phone #: (519) 824-0334

The goal of the Ontario Cattleman's Association is to improve the Ontario Beef Industry through policy planning, government lobbying, industry development programs and communications, along with the promotion and advertising of beef.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
1991 - 1992 - Land Stewardship project - documented and illustrated examples of responsible environmental practices related to water, manure and pasture.
Development and promotion of Environmental Farm Plan Program.
Co-operative wildlife/agriculture project with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters in Cold Creek subwatershed (Northumberland County) and Snake River subwatershed (Renfrew County). Both projects funded by the World Wildlife program of Canada, and the Ontario Agriculture Green Plan.
Evaluation of Vegetative Filter Strips as treatment for feedlot/barnyard run-off. Funded by the Rural Conservation Club program of the Canada/Ontario Agricultural Green Plan.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Related to the above activities.
Time Frame : 1963 - present
Storage Method : Paper files, and slides

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
We have worked with various government agencies. For example, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), Can. Au. Ltd., other farm groups, and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Ontario Cattleman's Association : None
Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Land-use issues - Ministry of Natural Resources, OMAFRA, and the Watershed Planning Review Committee.

Besides funding, the Ontario Cattleman's Association would like to see more resources in the areas of: Access to information

Ontario Public Interest Research Group, Guelph, (OPIRG)

Contact: Mike Pearson

Established: 1976

Address: 1 Trent Lane University of Guelph

Membership Size: 12,000 fee paying students, 200 students, 150 community members

Guelph, ON N1G 2W1
Phone #: (519) 766-9220 (Hm.) (519) 824-2091 (Wk.)

The Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG), Guelph provides training, support and opportunities for our members to be active citizens in their communities.
We believe the way to create positive social change is to provide individuals with the information and tools they need to take responsibility for their lives and to participate effectively in their communities.
Goals are: - to work towards environmental sustainability;
- to work towards social equality for all people;
- to create co-operative living and working relationships;
- to encourage diversity; and
- to strive for participatory democracy.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
10,000 native trees and shrubs planted in riparian zones along the Speed and Eramosa Rivers.
Removal of exotics (Japanese knotweed).
Fish habitat enhancement in Speed River (boulder placement, vortex weirs).
Consulted on naturalization projects of two local high-schools.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
max.-min. temperature data for the Speed and Eramosa Rivers (ten stations, four summers of data).
collection and compilation of the ecological history of the Speed and Eramosa Rivers (e.g. rechannelizations, abandoned landfill sites, water quality).
Time Frame : 1989 - 1995
Storage Method : Paper files, computer disks, photographs and slides.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Environment Canada (Environmental Partners Fund)
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (CFIP and CWIP grants)
City of Guelph
Wellington County Board of Education
Guelph Field Naturalists

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Ontario Public Interest Research Group, Guelph

Historical maps and photos of rivers
Our resource centre includes material on many other local issues since the late 1970s.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Mainly sent to municipal government.
City Naturalization Policy
River Systems Management Plan
Numerous development proposals
Hanlon Creek Watershed Plan
Wet/Dry Recycling facility
Landfill Searches

Besides funding, the Ontario Public Interest Research Group, Guelph would like to see more resources in the areas of: Linkages with other groups

Ontario Streams

Contact: David Calderisi

Established: 1994

Address: 775 Euclid Avenue Toronto, ON M6G 2V3

Membership Size: n/a

Phone #: (416) 537-7795 (Hm.) (519) STREAMS (Wk.)

Ontario Streams is a registered, not-for-profit, charitable organization dedicated to fostering and supporting projects which enhance the health of streams and watersheds across Ontario. We are a network providing the expertise of biologists, river keepers, landscape architects, aquatic ecologists and naturalists to local residents and communities who share a concern about the present and future well-being of their streams.
Ontario Streams is a comprehensive database providing access to information and technical expertise. We provided communication bridges between various levels of government, conservation authorities, naturalist clubs, citizens' groups, developers, landowners and local business. We offer information on stream management, habitat analysis, rehabilitation guidance, flow monitoring, and water quality and quantity sampling procedures. We help you develop an on-going, long-term relationship with your local stream.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Although we are a very new organization, our executive (often) is composed of individuals who have been involved in stream rehabilitation for many years.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
We work closely with Friends of the Grand River, Friends of Carroll Creek, and various Ministry projects and studies related to fisheries habitat including fishway at Milne Dam on the Rouge River.
Time Frame : n/a
Storage Method : n/a

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Ontario Streams : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, Ontario Streams would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Pesticide Action Group, Cambridge

Contact: Bonnie Walter

Established: 1990

Address: 130 Concession Street Cambridge, ON N1R 2H4

Membership Size: confidential

Phone #: (519) 622-0835

The main goal of the group is to achieve zero discharge of persistent or bioaccumulative toxic substances.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Gathering and disseminating information on pesticides.
Time Frame : From 1990 to present
Storage Method : Paper files, books, publications, and tapes.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : Other grassroots groups across Canada.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Many submissions in regards to pesticides - too long and numerous to list individually.
Publish P.A.G. Newsletter,

Besides funding, the Pesticide Action Group would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Scouts Canada- Blue Springs Camp Committee

Contact: Mike Davis

Established: n/a

Address: 50 Ann Street, Georgetown, Ont., L7G 2V2

Membership Size: 100,000

Phone #: (905) 877-9665 (Hm.) (905) 877-9665 (Bus.)


Management of Blue Springs Scout Reserve. The Reserve consists of a 200 acre property in the Blue Springs valley. Part of the site contains a Class 1 wetland.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989):
In the summer of 1995, four environmental project workers were hired. They looked at four areas, biota inventory, stream assessment, trail enhancement, and waste management. The work will contribute to the development of an environmental management plan .
Trees are planted at the reserve through Scoutrees, a youth program.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject: Compile an inventory of the biota at the camp.
Time Frame: Summer of 1995, with the additional information from Dr. Bill and Irene McIlveen and others.
Storage Method : paper files, computer disks, biota samples

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities :

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Scouts Canada:

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : Have provided input to the Eramosa River-Blue Springs Creek Linear Corridor Initiative.

Besides funding, Scouts Canada would like to see more resources in the areas of: More access to experts and information.

Pesticide Action Group, Cambridge

Contact: Bonnie Walter

Established: 1990

Address: 130 Concession Street Cambridge, ON N1R 2H4

Membership Size: confidential

Phone #: (519) 622-0835

The main goal of the group is to achieve zero discharge of persistent or bioaccumulative toxic substances.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Gathering and disseminating information on pesticides.
Time Frame : From 1990 to present
Storage Method : Paper files, books, publications, and tapes.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : Other grassroots groups across Canada.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Many submissions in regards to pesticides - too long and numerous to list individually.
Publish P.A.G. Newsletter,

Besides funding, the Pesticide Action Group would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Pesticide Action Group, Waterloo

Contact: Elizabeth Wharton

Established: Not indicated

Address: P.O. Box 22021 Westmount Postal Outlet, Waterloo, ON N2L 6J7

Membership Size: Not indicated

Phone #: n/a

The main goal of the group is zero discharge of toxic chemicals (i.e. pesticides and fertilizers), into the environment.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Waterloo Pesticide Action Group : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : Too numerous to detail

Besides funding, the Waterloo Pesticide Action Group would like to see more resources in the areas of: Linkages with other groups
Access to information, specifically about chemical contamination (for example pesticides in water).

Pioneer Sportsmen Club

Contact: Robert Madill

Established: 1929

Address: 258 Hillcrest Road Cambridge, ON N3H 1B2

Membership Size: 320

Phone #: (519) 653-9987 (Hm.) (519) 621-5920 (Wk.)

The goals of the Pioneer Sportsmen Club are:
to promote interest in and legislation towards conservation.
to promote and provide recreational activities such as: conservation, camping, nature trails, archery, trap/skeet, blackpowder, rifle, handgun, fishing, hunting,.... and social.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Managed 'woodlot' on our property (in co-operation with the Ministry of Natural Resources [MNR]).
Plant about 500 - 1000 trees each year on our property for the past 25 -30 years, mainly as wildlife food and cover. This activity has been in co-operation with Scouts Canada during the past few years.
Set up a nature trail and maintained it in co-operation with the National Campers and Hikers Association on our property.
Stream rehabilitation on our property as the stream flows into the Grand River.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
We have had the MNR (Forestry) do an assessment of our property and have run a 'managed woodlot' for about 5 -8 years. The MNR marked trees to be removed - which we do each year. Note: This program has been put on hold by the MNR, due to budget problems.
Time Frame : n/a
Storage Method : n/a

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : MNR (Hespler office - forestry section)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Pioneer Sportsmen Club : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Pioneer Sportsmen Club would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Preserve Our Lands

Contact: Jean Farquharson

Established: 1993

Address: R.R. #3 Paris, ON N3L 3E3

Membership Size: Officially disbanded

Phone #: (519) 442-7000 (519) 442-4200 (Fax)

The group was created to oppose the licensing of a gravel pit in the area. While doing research, we discovered that there were several abandoned gypsum mines under the proposed pit. We succeeded in obtaining a 200 meter buffer zone.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
The group was not specifically involved with enhancement activities. We wanted to protect an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) from infringement by the gravel pit. The steep embankment overlooking the river is very unstable and we felt any change in water direction would be detrimental.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
The ESA at the south end of Paris. We studied the geology, plant life industrial archaeology, etc. of this and other areas. Our organization has evolved into the Grand River Heritage Mines Society.
Time Frame : Ongoing since 1993.
Storage Method : Paper files, photos, and computer files.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Grand River Heritage Mines Society
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines - London and Sudbury (resident geologist and safety officer)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Preserve Our Lands
Historical maps
Excerpts from local history, registry office searches, (deeds and leases), census records, company records.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing - began January, 1993 - convened again in June, 1993, and November, 1993 - decision in March, 1994.
Presentations to the Town of Paris in 1993, contracts with Brantford Township in 1993, - planning officer regarding concern over abandoned mine safety - public danger

Besides funding, Preserve Our Lands would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training in geology, natural history, hydrology / hydrogeology, mining, industrial archeology.
Linkages with other groups as when we find dangerous situations, we contact action groups, since our group is formed basically to gather historical information. Also, the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines is notified if dangerous abandoned mines are spotted.
Access to information, such as company records, and land records etc. to continue our research. (Many mines are unrecorded)
Some officials who would verify our findings, and visits to mines still in operation.

Riverlands Association

Contact: David Ainsley

Established: 1992

Address: c/o Guelph Information Centre 161 Waterloo Avenue, Guelph, ON N1H 3H9

Membership Size: 8 or 9 members

Phone #: (519) 763-2232

The main goals of the group are as follows:
to help people recognize the reality of the neighbourhood;
to increase the quality of life including aspects of culture, heritage and the environment; and
the conservation of heritage, wildlife, trails, etc.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Activities are mainly in the communications area.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
River Systems Management Study - City of Guelph.
Initiated a project to produce three commercials a year over a period of five years.
Encouraged people to clean up their neighbourhoods.
Time Frame : since 1989
Storage Method : Photo murals, video, River Systems Study - in the form of a report.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Riverlands Association : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Suzuki Centre OMB hearing - planning and development - City of Guelph.
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing - presentations for Southcreek and other developers. The issue was that public lands were adjacent to the development site. It was argued that the community should be allowed to participate in the planning process.
Participated in a land fill site search - argued to protect the Eramosa Corridor.

Besides funding, the Riverlands Association would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training for the public about what's going on, rather than initiating more studies.
More information should be available about how people apply for funds. Also, funding agencies should be contacting groups to carry out tasks based on their past performances. Furthermore, groups should be rewarded for successful efforts by continued funding.

Royal City Fishing Club

Contact: Fred Stahlbaum

Established: 1976

Address: R.R. #7 Guelph, ON N1H 6J4

Membership Size: 90 members

Phone #: (519) 824-0957

To enjoy the fishing experience and to maintain the fish stock for future generations.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
We have worked on streams from Windsor to St. Catharines, and we have also supplied some money to other clubs for stream rehabilitation.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH)

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Royal City Fishing Club : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
OFAH represented us at Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearings on the Pushlinch extraction of gravel below the water table.

Besides funding, the Royal City Fishing Club would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training about ecosystem management that will foster the survival of all species.
Linkages with other groups, and access to information to better understand club's position.

Soil and Water Conservation Society

Contact: Ray Tufgar

Established: 1944

Address: Totten Sims Hubicki 30 Dupont Street East, Waterloo, ON N2J 2G7

Membership Size: ~300 members

Phone #: (519) 886-2160

The main goals of the group are to promote the wise management of soil and water through education and the influence of public policy.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
US chapters have been involved in fisheries habitat enhancement.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Soil and Water Conservation Society : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Sustainable agriculture Wetlands management
Forestry management Soil kit
Provincial/Federal agencies and conservation authorities (i.e. Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Environment Canada, etc.)

Besides funding, the Soil and Water Conservation Society would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training through texts or modules for erosion control.

Speed River Land Trust Association

Contact: Mark Van Patter

Established: 1994

Address: 9 Cavell Street, Guelph, ON N1H 1Y4

Membership Size: 9 directors and a few friends

Phone #: (519) 824-7381 (519) 837-2600 Ext. 208 (Wk.)

The main goals of the group are as follows:
Protection of Ecologically Sensitive Areas (ESAs)
Land Acquisition (fee simple/easement)
Landowner Contact
ESAs Study

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None
Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Speed River Land Trust Association would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups such as field naturalists, trail clubs, homebuilders, local government, and provincial agencies.
Access to information such as improved ESA Data Base, Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) information, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) system information.

Township of Burford - Heritage and Tourism

Contact: Marion Sheridan

Established: 1992

Address: R.R. #1 Burford, ON N0E 1A0

Membership Size: 10+ members

Phone #: (519) 458-4172 (Hm.) (519) 449-2434 (Wk.)

To develop heritage via inventories, public awareness, protection propagation. Tours to foster appreciation locally and visitor enjoyment - e.g. architectural, agriculture, natural heritage, artisans, etc.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : All inventories in Burford Township
1993 - Architectural Inventory, 100 years or older heritage buildings, properties and districts.
1994 - Tourism Inventory - Agricultural and businesses.
1994 - Natural heritage Inventory of Grand River Conservation Area (GRCA) watershed.
1995 - Natural Heritage Inventory of Long Point Conservation Area (LPCA) watershed.
1996 - Archeological sites Inventory.
Time Frame : Summers from 1993 - 1995
Storage Method : Paper files, field notes, photos, slides, computer disks, and book reports.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Architectural Conservancy LPCA
GRCA Ministry of Natural Resources
Ontario Heritage Foundation

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Township of Burford - Heritage and Tourism
We keep a file of press clippings about our activities.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Sent to municipal agencies.

Besides funding, the Township of Burford - Heritage and Tourism would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training in making grant (funding) applications.
Linkages with other groups particularly those which fall under our related mandate.
Access to information about what grants are available.
We would also like information on trail establishment, particularly how eco-interests translate into tourism which in turn, translates into economy especially to local level.

Trees for Guelph

Contact: Mr. Heiti Jaason

Established: 1990

Address: R.R. #5 Guelph, ON N1H 6J2

Membership Size: gt 10

Phone #: (519) 836-6500

Goals : The goal of Trees for Guelph is to improve the environment in the Guelph area by:
establishing trees and shrubs
providing hands-on environmental education
raising profile of the 'Forgotten Forest' (e.g. industrial areas)

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
In industrial, commercial, utility/transportation corridors, the group has facilitated the planting of a diverse mix of indigenous trees & shrubs. These plantings are in areas with low risk of future development. Most plantings are done by high school students as an educational opportunity.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
We conduct informal information gathering on potential planting sites.
Monitor success of plantings
Time Frame : 1991 to present
Storage Method : Paper files

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Too numerous to list - includes all levels of government, private foundations, schools, industry, individuals, etc.

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Trees for Guelph : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : Only in solicitation of support for our program.

Besides funding, Trees for Guelph would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Education and training for tree planting 'captains'.
Linkages with other groups who are interested in learning from others and sharing our successful formula.
Groups like ours are forced to expend as much energy soliciting support as establishing trees.

Trout Unlimited, Canada

Contact: Walt Crawford

Established: 1989

Address: P.O. Box 239 Elora, ON N0B 1S0

Membership Size: 100 members

Phone #: (519) 846-5535 (Hm.) (519) 743-1780 (Wk.)

The main goals of the group are the promotion, enhancement, and protection of our cold water resources and the watersheds that support them.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Advocacy - speaking engagements - workshops and study groups
Stream Rehabilitation - seven different water courses with specific chapters doing work in the Grand River Watershed.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Stream Habitat Assessment
- geomorphology
- adjacent land use
- canopy
- biomass measurements
Time Frame : Various time frames ranging from 1 - 3 months, to 1 -5 years.
Storage Method : Paper files, books, computer disks, tape recordings, slides, aerial videos, and photos.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
University of Waterloo Local Landowners
University of Guelph Isaac Walton Flyfishers
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) Developers
Ontario Cattleman's Association (OCA) Schools
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Guides and Scouts
Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Canadian Legion
KW Flyfishers Local Businesses

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Trout Unlimited, Canada
Source photos and news papers
Aerial photos
Grey papers

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
MNR - watershed planning
MNR - regarding integrated agency plan input and review.
Local Government - focus on development as an opportunity to enhance the environment
DFO - support more active participation in Central and Arctic Region

Besides funding, Trout Unlimited, Canada would like to see more resources in the areas of: Access to information with the establishment of a shared data base with all participants (governments, universities, and other groups) that would find the database useful, offered at no cost to the users.

Trout Unlimited, Whitemans Creek Chapter

Contact: Roy Dailey

Established: 1989

Address: 17 Blackfriar Lane Brantford, ON N3R 7L1

Membership Size: 35 members
Phone #: (519) 752-7387

The main goal of the group is to work with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) on the enhancement of Whitemans Creek and its tributaries, mainly in the Apps' Mill Nature Centre area.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Debris removal
Bank Stabilization
Tree planting
Spanning Enhancement
Data Collection

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Whitemans Creek - Mainly some help to the MNR and GRCA on fish shocking surveys in the study area of the Apps' Mill Nature Centre.
Installation of special regulation signs in the area
Time Frame : Approximately four years
Storage Method : MNR has this information.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities, MNR, GRCA, Brantford Steelheaders

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Whitemans Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Information on Mill Creek from the KW Flyfishing Club.
Information on the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing on the gravel pits at the North end of the Creek, including some pictures and maps etc.
Information about a study which was carried out on Kiwanis Creek, which runs into Whitemans at Apps' Mill.
A copy of an engineering study which was done for the installation of a weir on Whitemans Creek for the prevention of migratory fish in the Creek.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Involved with a sand and gravel company, who are planning on having a gravel pit directly above Whitemans Creek, North-west of the Creek, adjacent to Rest Acres Road. With the help of other people, we were successful in stopping the company from going below the water table which would have been detrimental to the area involved.

Besides funding, the Whitemans Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Access to information would be very good as there are many new ideas regarding enhancement, constantly coming out. It would be to our advantage to find out what is involved. I think education or training, as well as linkages with other groups would be a large part of this.

Wandering Canadians

Contact: Mr. and Mrs. Swan

Established: 1964 (chartered in 1965)

Address: 56 Mc Naughton Cambridge, ON N1R 1Z3

Membership Size: 20 families

Phone #: (519) 623-2978

The Wandering Canadians are a family camping group, who are committed to conservation and forestry activities.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Created a 'Wildlife Refuge Area' and trail at the Sportsmen's Club in Kitchener. This involved creating a walking area, cleaning the stream by terracing, and building a new bridge at the bottom of the area.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Annual Reports on the club's activities
Time Frame : n/a
Storage Method : Club's reports

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Wandering Canadians would like to see more resources in the areas of: Access to information

Water Network

Contact: Marie Sanderson Established: 1988

Address: Department of Geography, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1

Membership Size: 40 members

Phone #: (519) 746-3294 (519) 885-1211 Ext.6962

The main goals of the organization are to conduct multi-disciplinary research in water issues, and to organize conferences and workshops on water topics.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989) : None

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Climate data for all weather stations in the basin
Time Frame : Varying - the longest record dates back 12 years
Storage Method : Computer disks

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Atmospheric Environment Service
Environment Canada

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Water Network
As above - weather data (temperature and precipitation) for 23 stations in the basin.

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
We have published a book titled, Sanderson, M. (1993). The impact of climate change on water in the Grand River Basin. Waterloo: University of Waterloo, Department of Geography.

Besides funding, the Water Network would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Waterloo Historical Society

Contact: Susan Hoffman

Established: 1912

Address: Kitchener Public Library 85 Queen St. North, Kitchener, ON N2H 2H1

Membership Size: 300 members

Phone #: (519) 743-0271

The goal of the Waterloo Historical Society is the preservation of Waterloo County/Region history through books, maps, photographs, newspapers, and archival documents.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Assisted with the research conducted for the Grand River nomination as a heritage river.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Assisted researchers from the following groups with the Grand River nomination:
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
University of Waterloo

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Waterloo Historical Society would like to see more resources in the areas of: Linkages with other groups

Waterloo Region Resource Stewardship Network

Contact: John Irwin

Established: 1995-96

c/o Regional Municipality of Waterloo
Dept. of Planning and Culture
5 th Floor, 150 Frederick Street
Kitchener, ON, N2E 4J3

Membership Size: 12

Phone #: (519) 575-4528

Fax #:(519) 575-4449


Waterloo Junior Farmers

Contact: Shelia Snyder

Established: 1915

Address: R.R. #1 Breslau, ON N0B 1M0

Membership Size: 45 members

Phone #: (519) 742-2987

Goals : To build future rural leaders through self-help and community betterment.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Planting road side maples (3-4 years ago)
Ditch clean-ups every year

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Waterloo Junior Farmers : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Waterloo Junior Farmers would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPRIG)

Contact: Daryl Novak

Established: 1973

Address: General Services Complex University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G2

Membership Size: ~ 13,000 (varies)

Phone #: (519) 888-4882 or (519) 888-2578

We are a student directed, student funded organization where individuals take co-operative action in challenging environmental and social issues. We are a non-profit corporation funded through a voluntary levy of $3.28 per term, paid by University of Waterloo full-time undergraduate students. Community memberships are available for $10.00 per year. Some of our basic goals are:
to research, inform and take action on issues affecting our social and natural environment;
to recognize the interconnectedness, and pursue an integrative analysis of social and environmental issues;
to respect and encourage local and global ecosystem integrity;
to encourage diversity and social equality for all people by opposing all forms of oppression;
to work in a co-operative way; and
to work in solidarity with other like minded environmental and social justice movements.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Stream clean-ups with the Federation of Students during Green Spirit Week.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to WPIRG : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : We made submission to the Regional Official Policies Plan (ROPP) Review.

Besides funding, WPIRG would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups
Access to information, specifically baseline data on watershed pollutant discharges, and water supply demand issues.

Waterloo Rod and Gun Club

Contact: Robert Orth

Established: 1940

Address: 291 Villa Place Waterloo, ON N2J 3X6

Membership Size: 450 members

Phone #: (519) 885-1394 (Hm.) (519) 746-2413 (Wk.)

The main goals of the Waterloo Rod and Gun Club, are the conservation of land and waterways, fishing and hunting, and the planting of trees.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Washington Creek -Stream Improvement Laurel Creek - Stream Improvement
Conestoga River, Clean-up of River and Riverbanks Monastery Creek - Stream Improvement
Woolwich and Waterloo Region - Adopt a Roads Program

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Region of Waterloo
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) Trout Unlimited
Woolwich Township

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Waterloo Rod and Gun Club : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Waterloo Rod and Gun Club would like to see more resources in the areas of: Linkages with other groups

Waterloo-Wellington Canoe Club

Contact: Jane Sinclair

Established: 1984

Address: 256 King Street North P.O. Box 38003, Waterloo, ON N2J 4T9

Membership Size: 151 members

Phone #: (519) 745-1244 (Hotline) (519) 747-0527

Goals : The main goals of the group are as follows:
Recreation - canoeing and cross-country skiing;
To promote safety associated with the above activities;
The maintenance and enhancement of the river environment; and
Education, skill development, hospitality, forum, resource, camaraderie, participation, and communication.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Involved in stream and habitat improvements such as:
Grand River clean up projects each year in May;
Travel a section of the River by canoe and collect whatever garbage we can, loading it into boats and leaving the pile at a designated take-out - Kitchener Parks operation collects the garbage;
We try to get as much publicity as possible (CKCO, K-W Record, Chronicle etc.), to raise awareness of keeping a clean river - several sponsors - boats, prizes, refreshments, cooperation. We have created posters and flyers etc., to help increases public awareness.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Besides funding, the Waterloo-Wellington Canoe Club would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Wellington County Historical Society

Contact: Ian Easterbrook

Established: 1928

Address: P.O. Box 5 Fergus, ON N1M 2W7

Membership Size: 200 members

Phone #: (519) 843-6576

To stimulate public interest in the history and heritage of Wellington County.
To bring together people who are interested in the history of the County.
To encourage individuals to undertake research and writing on Wellington County History.
To co-operate with the Museum in the acquisition of historical records, documents and artifacts.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Collected data on the Glenallan (Peel Twp) area for the period 1851-1901.
Collecting data on all historical/heritage plaques in the County (estimated to number approximately 200).

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Wellington County Historical Society : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Wellington County Historical Society would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Wellingon Environmental Network

Contact: William Squirrel

Established: formed in 1989, incorporated in 1992

Address: R. R.# 5 Rockwood ON N0B 2K0

Phone #: (519) 843-6088 (home) (519) 821-0360 (work)

Membership Size: 60 +

To improve the quality of environmental education and provide a means of resource and information sharing among those interested in environmental education.
To enjoy the outdoors.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Individual members and their schools have taken part in tree planting, school yard naturalization, stream cleanup, and wildlife monitoring projects.
W. E. N. supports these activities through workshops and information support.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Refer to environmental enhancement activities section above.
Time Frame : n/a
Storage Method : n/a

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities : Wellington County Board of Education

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to W. E. N. : n/a

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Lobbied School Board for more environmental support programs
Respond to City Hall on local environmental issues, i.e. Hanlon Creek Study, Preservation Park tree removal

Besides funding, the W. E. N. would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Wellington Rails to Trails

Contact: Deryk Smith

Established: 1990

Address: Box 99 Fergus, ON N1M 2W7

Membership Size: 500 families

Phone #: (519) 846-0235 (Hm.) (519) 843-3650 (Wk.) (519) 843-6907 (Fax)

Goals : The main goals of the group are as follows:
to secure the CPR line from Elora to Cataract in the public domain;
to allow for installation of utilities and services if required; and
to create a recreational use trail / greenway to link park spaces, waterways, and urban/rural settlements.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Tree planting in partnership with Trees Plan Canada, the Wellington County Board of Education, Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), the Town of Fergus, and Wellington County.
The group has secured $350,000 towards improving the existing trail. The work is to begin early in the summer of 1995.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Public hearings to receive input on appropriate trail uses.
Time Frame : 3 months
Storage Method : Paper files, meetings were tape recorded.

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Wellington County Board of Education
GRCA Credit Valley Conservation Authority
Tree Plan Canada Town of Fergus
A management plan is presently being prepared which will set principles for future uses;
implementation by citizen based committee involving walkers, bikers, skiers, and snowmobilers.

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to Wellington Rails to Trails : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
We attempted to lobby local government for support in principle with no real success (1990 - 1991). We went ahead without them and assisted in raising $500,000 to acquire the right of way.

Besides funding, Wellington Rails to Trails would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other groups is of interest, but we have opportunities there. For example, through Hike Ontario, and the Ontario Trails Council.

Wildflower Society of Canada, Wellington/Waterloo Chapter

Contact: A. Anderson

Established: 1990

Address: Botany Department University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1

Membership Size: 60 members

Phone #: (519) 822-1653 (Hm.) (519) 824-4120 Ext. 6011

The goals of the group are as follows:
to promote the use of wildflowers in gardening;
to preserve natural areas; and
to rehabilitate natural vegetation

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Tree planting within the city
Rehabilitation of part of the Speed River
Tree rescue and planting

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities
Subject : Rare plants in the area
Time Frame : 1990 - 1995
Storage Method : File cards and computer disks

Groups Affiliated with the Above Activities
Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA)
Guelph Field Naturalists

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Wellington/Waterloo Chapter of the Wildflower Society
Flora of Wellington County - 1937

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Tree cutting on Gordon Street in Guelph

Besides funding, the Wellington/Waterloo Chapter of the Wildflower Society would like to see more resources in the areas of: n/a

Wilmot Citizens Environmental Advisory Committee

Contact: Jack Michels

Established: 1992

Address: c/o Township of Wilmot 60 Snyder's Road West

Membership Size: ~20 members

Phone #: n/a

Goals : The main goals of the group are to initiate environmental concerns and ideas from Wilmot Township residents, as well as to provide them with fair representation.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Transplanted trees on three occasions from Hwy 7 and 8 widening area to other areas in the Township.
Adopt-a-park by schools in the Township.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities : None

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Wilmot Citizens Environmental Advisory Committee : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989)
Presented to Wilmot Township:
Weed control
Noise from hobby planes
Potential for ammonia release
Small and large engine emissions
Enhancement of Baden water way

Besides funding, the Wilmot Citizens Environmental Advisory Committee would like to see more resources in the areas of:
A technical resource group to provide unbiased, non-political responses to questions.

Wilmot Horticultural Society

Contact: Barb Belez

Established: 1968

Address: R.R. #2 Petersburg, ON N0B 2H0

Membership Size: 150 members

Phone #: (519) 578-6617

To provide youth incentives - junior gardeners.
Civic beautification - plant flowers etc. around Wilmot Township and its parks.
Offer garden tours and a flower show every year - open to the public.
Participate in the New Hamburg Fall Fair.

Environmental Enhancement Activities (since 1989)
Planting on the hills on the banks of the Nith River in New Hamburg.
Tree planting at Castle Kilbride.
Tree planting for Arbor Week.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities

Historical/Archival Environmental Records Belonging to the Wilmot Horticultural Society : None

Reports or Delegations sent to Municipal or Government Agencies (since 1989) : None

Besides funding, the Wilmot Horticultural Society would like to see more resources in the areas of:
Linkages with other Horticultural societies to find guest speakers.
More volunteers to maintain parks in the Township.

Rural Learning Association

Contact: Sharon Smith

Established: 1966

Address: Box 1588, Guelph, ON, N1H 6R7

Membership Size: 100 members

Phone #: (519) 821-0926


The RLA is a non-profit general rural organization which promotes and conducts informal education activities throughout rural Ontario. We focus on the needs of small rural communities and have a diverse membership base. Our main aim is to create learning opportunities for residents of rural Ontario by helping them to discover the nature of rural community life today, to identify local needs and to find effective means of taking action to meet these needs.

Environmental Information Gathering, Monitoring, or Inventory Activities:

Published "Beyond Your Backyard: Rural planning, citizenship & ecology" This is an educational book for activists, teachers, libraries and adult learners.

W.C. Good Memorial Awards for Rural Writing

Since 1990, the awards have been presented annually for original writing on social, economic and environmental topics in rural Ontario. The awards are funded by the W.C. Good Family Farm and co-operative organizations; and his original thinking on social and economic issues.

Where the Grass Thrusts Through the Concrete: a survey of Rural Community Innovations in Canada

Through a series of short case-studies, this book documents the experience of individuals and communities which have taken the initiative to bring about change. This survey is only a sampling of many stories of rural communities where there perists a spirit of survival, of creative local initiatives and resolute self-determination.

Community Soundings

A sounding is a meeting of residents who are encouraged to identify local problems and to take concrete action for the future. It brings together neighbours to exchange ideas and views about community issues and to search for solutions.

Momentum created at a Sounding has mobilized people to act on Land Use Planning Issues, to initiate heritage projects, to plan for new job opportunities, to support a community play project, and to organize events for recreational, economical, and environmental improvements.
