The sources of text and illustrations used in this site are given with each item or in the bibliography. Grateful acknowledgement is made to the publishers, authors, and copyright holders for their permission to include these materials. Every effort has been made to trace all copyright holders, but if anyone has been inadvertently overlooked, please contact acannon@mta.ca.
The Courage Remembered Web Site Development Team would especially like to thank the following for their support and assistance:
- Industry Canada for their generous financial support of this project through the SchoolNet Digital Collections.
- Kingsley Ward and Major Edwin Gibson, co-authors of Courage Remembered, the book upon which much of this web site is based.
- Dr. David Beatty, Associate Professor of History, Mount Allison University, author of Memories of the Forgotten War: The World War I Diary of Pte. V. E. Goodwin, published by Baie Verte Editions, R. 3, Port Elgin, New Brunswick, E0A 2L0.
- Laura Brandon, Chief Curator, Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario. We also gratefully acknowledge the following journals: Canadian Military History and Arts Atlantic, in which Laura Brandon's articles were published.
- The examples of Canadian war art are copyright of the Canadian War Museum and were obtained with the permission and assistance of the Canadian War Museum.
- National Archives of Canada. Most of the photographs from the First World War came to the Courage Remembered website team through the generous co-operation of Dr. David Beatty. He had, in his possession, an astounding collection of photographs--many never before published--which was originally from the collection of Mr. William R. Bird. Originals of these photographs are held by the National Archives of Canada, Department of National Defence fonds, accession 1964-114. The National Archives of Canada has approximately 6,000 items from this fonds for the First World War.
- Margaret Fancy, Librarian at Mount Allison University (J. E. Boulet's daughter), and her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson.
- Norflicks Productions, whose 3-video set No Price Too High was a source of many excellent Second World War images.
- Doreen Richard, graduate of Mount Allison University, who brought the story of the Native contributions to our notice.
- Ralph Pickard Bell Library, Mount Allison University, for making resources available to the development team, and for providing a librarian's time to oversee this entire project.