The following are other interesting books, government documents, and videos you may want to consult for further information on the topics covered by this web site.
- Berton, Pierre. Vimy. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1986.
- Cassar, George. Beyond Courage: The Canadians at the Second Battle of Ypres. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1985.
- Dafoe, John W., ed. Canada Fights. Toronto: S. J. Reginald Saunders, 1941.
- Desjardines, L. G. England, Canada and the Great War. Quebec: Quebec Chronicle Print, 1918.
- Macpherson, J. S. B., et al. Canada in the Great World War. Vol. 6. Toronto: United Publishers of Canada Limited, 1921.
- Metson, Graham and Cheryl Lean. Colville: Diary of a War Artist. Halifax, NS: Nimbus Publishing, 1981.
Government Documents
- Canada. Veterans Affairs. Canada 1945-1995. Netherlands. Pays-Bas. Nederland. Ottawa: Veterans Affairs Canada, 1995.
- ---. ---. Canada: Belgium, Belgique, Belgie 1944-1994. Ottawa: Veterans Affairs Canada, 1994.
- ---. ---. D-Day: 1944-June 6-1984. Ottawa: Veterans Affairs, 1984.
- ---. ---. Valour Remembered: Canada and the First World War. By Patricia Giesler. Toronto: Globe Printing and Lithographing Ltd., 1980.
- ---. ---. Valour Remembered: Canada and the Second World War. By Patricia Giesler. Ottawa: Veterans Affairs Canada, 1994.
- ---. ---. Memorials to Canada's War Dead. Ottawa: Veterans Affairs Canada, [1985].
- ---. ---. We Will Remember--Overseas Memorials to Canada's War Dead By Col. G. W. L. Nicholson.
- Canada Remembers: Endings and Beginnings 1945. Videocassette. Dir Terence Macartney-Filgate. NFB, 1995. 49:10 min.
- Canada Remembers: The Liberators D-Day to the Rhine. Videocassette. Dir. Terence Macartney-Filgate. NFB, 1995. 54:15 min.
- Canada Remembers: Turning the Tide 1939 to D-Day. Videocassette. Dir. Terence Macartney-Filgate. NFB, 1995. 53:40 min.
- August 19, 1942 is Dieppe. Videocassette. Dir. Jacques Teyssier. CAP Inc., 1992. 22:30 min.
- Fields of Sacrifice. Videocassette. Dir. Donald Brittain. NFB, 1994. 20:16 min.
- From Juno Beach to Dieppe. . . The Harsh Road. Videocassette. Dir. Jacques Teyssier. CAP Inc., 1992. 18:20 min.
- In Mud and War. Videocassette. Dir. Jacques Teyssier. CAP Inc., 1992. 17:25 min.