Ash Baskets

Ash Basket

Product Characteristics
Factors Affecting price
Pounding Method
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-Mik' Maq of Eastern Canada
-Ojibway of South Central Canada
-Iroquois of South Central Canada


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Ash Baskets are generally made of black ash.  Traditionally, they were woven by women
Preparation of wood is long and tedious and contributes to the cost.
The ash tree is felled, spilt, pounded, scraped, and dyed before the weaving can begin.
Weaving skills are passed from generation to generation, generally by women.  Pounding skill are also passed from generation to generation, generally by men.
Ash baskets were traditionally made for everyday use.

White Ash Basket


Ash Basket

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Pound base of log with the blunt end of an axe until growth rings break loose.
Peel ring from log (runs the full length).
String are then bundled in circular form for storage or immediate use.
Stored strips must be soaked in warm water overnight and then wrapped to ensure they do not dry out.
Just prior to use, the splint is shaved to remove loose splints and given a satin finish.
Splint is split to desired thickness and is ready for weaving.
Weaving begins at the centre point of the base and moves upward.


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Size of basket (larger means more labour).
Intended use of the basket (work baskets are less expensive than fancy baskets).
Width of the ash splint (wider is less expensive).
Type of weave (straight weave is least expensive; fancy weave or twist is more expensive; periwinkle weave is the most expensive).
Value is added with the addition of sweet grass trim.
Presence of a lid (additional labour).
Patterns with colour are more expensive (natural dyes are more expensive but seldom used).

Brown Ash Basket


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