A Guide to Canadian Native Arts and Crafts Quiz



In order to test your knowledge, we have compiled a test to help you assess your knowledge of Native arts and Crafts in Canada. The test can be used for many purposes including:

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1. Which of the following is not a factor when calculating the price of an ASH BASKET?

a) The size of the basket
b) The intended use of the basket
c) The width of the ash splint
d) The addition of sweet grass trim
e) The presence of a lid
f) The use of natural vs. synthetic dyes
g) All of the above must be considered when determining the price of an ash basket

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2. Do traditional baskets made from fibre or grasses use any other materials to support the structure?

a) Yes
b) No

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3. From what region of Canada do cedar baskets come from?

a) West Coast
b) East Coast
c) Ontario and Quebec
d) The Prairies
e) The Far North

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4. What is the average price per inch for a porcupine quill basket?

a) $25.00 per inch
b) $50.00 per inch
c) $100.00 per inch
d) $200.00 per inch
e) None of the above

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5. What arrival from Europe is leading to the demise of skilled quill workers in Canada?

a) hunters
b) needle and thread
c) metal
d) glass beads
e) none of the above

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6. What makes birch bark such an important tool for the Native people of Canada?

a) it is rot resistant
b) it is waterproof
c) it is malleable
d) it takes well to stitching and the application of saps, glues and resins
e) all of the above contribute to it's importance

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7. Which of the following contribute to the price of a birch bark basket?

a) size of the basket
b) it's ability to hold water
c) decorations
d) the addition of other traditional materials
e) method of sewing
f) all of the above influence the price of a birch bark basket

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8. What is the most obvious difference between Inuit soapstone carvings and Iroquoian soapstone carvings?

a) the type of soapstone used
b) the size of the carving
c) the price of the carving
d) where it can be purchased
e) all of the above are differences between Inuit and Iroquoian sculptures

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9. What is the used to protect consumers and verify authenticity of Inuit sculptures?

a) signatures on the carvings
b) the place that a carving was made
c) an attached photograph of the carver
d) the Igloo Tag
e) none of the above

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10. When purchasing Native carvings, what one factor is most important when assessing the value?

a) size of the piece
b) the notoriety of the artist
c) the story behind the work
d) the place it was purchased
e) the intricacy of the piece

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11. Which type of Native jewelry in Canada is the most famous internationally?

a) porcupine quill jewelry
b) beaded jewelry
c) bone jewelry
d) leather jewelry
e) metal jewelry

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12. What two factors most influence the price of jewelry made of porcupine quills?

a) sorted quills and method used to construct
b) the number of quills used and the fact that they are sorted
c) the method used to construct and the colour of the jewelry
d) the size of the piece and the colour of the quills
e) none of the above

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13. What is the most popular bead used to make very detailed images?

a) seed beads
b) cut beads
c) crow or pony beads
d) bugle beads
e) plastic beads

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14. What colour bead was historically considered the Chief's beads?

a) Black
b) Yellow
c) Red
d) White
e) Blue

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15. Which of the following is not a factor when determining the price of beaded jewelry?

a) the use of blue beads
b) the type of bead
c) the type of stitching
d) the size of the piece
e) stitching materials

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16. Why do Iroquoian Corn Husk Dolls have no face?

a) to assist in the development of a child's imagination
b) to reduce the price of the doll
c) there were no materials available to use to construct the face
d) because great detail was not needed for a toy
e) all of the above

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17. What is the quickest way to determine the heritage of a Canadian Native doll?

a) the colour of the hair
b) the presence of a face
c) the materials the dolls were made from
d) the clothing on the dolls
e) none of the above

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18. Did dolls play an important role in the development of an Aboriginal child's life?

a) Yes
b) No

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19. Which dream catcher would be the most expensive?

a) 12" dream catcher made with all natural raw materials
b) 12" dream catcher made with manufactured raw materials

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20. What are the colours used in the medicine wheel of most Canadian Native cultures?

a) red, blue white, yellow
b) red, black, white, blue
c) red, yellow, white, black
d) yellow, white, blue, black
e) none of the above

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21. What is the heritage of the wooden flower?

a) Ojibway
b) Iroquoian
c) Haida
d) Mi'k Maq
e) Inuit

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22. What is the key factor that determines the price of a tamarack goose?

a) size
b) colour
c) quality as a decoy for hunting
d) artwork applied to the piece
e) all of the above

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23. What is the most rare of art form included in the list below?

a) quill work
b) beadwork
c) leatherwork
d) birch bark biting
e) soapstone sculpture

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24. What makes the bent wood box different from other forms of wood working?

a) the sides of the box are made from one plank of cedar
b) the artwork carved into the piece
c) the artwork painted on the piece
d) that it is made from red cedar
e) none of the above

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25. Can Canadian Native arts and crafts only be purchased in Canada?

a) Yes
b) No

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