Robert Joseph Henry

I'm from the Saugeen First Nation # 29, Ontario. As a young teenager, growing up on the reserve, I got tired of my father telling me that I was going to go nowhere in my life.

My father and I never got along so I moved in with my mother who has remarried. It was the Christmas of 1995 when my stepfather bought me a set of acrylic paints. I knew I could draw but I didn't know how to paint. Romaine, my stepfather, told me "it's about time you learn how to paint."

I was clueless when I first picked up a brush, but I pushed myself to learn. I wanted to do something that would make me proud and both my parents proud. I practiced everyday and about three months after I started, I sold my first painting for $300.00.


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I will never forget that day, the day I got my first compliment. It gave me hope for the future because my past was full of bad memories. I'm a self-taught artist. I had no one to help me make frames for the canvas. I learned how to paint on my own and learned to stretch canvas on my own.
My passion for native art has taken me on a long journey to help me under- stand and appreciate the things in life.
A lot of my paintings are of dreams I have. Some are from personal experiences.

I won my first art contest in the winter of 1998. I won first place at the Ducks Unlimited Art Show/contest, youth category, in Sudbury Ontario.

I am currently doing my first gallery exhibit in South Hampton Ontario at the Bruce County Museum as well as participating in a 3 person, group showing at Black Cat Too, in Sudbury Ontario.


For further information contact Randy Martin at (613) 747-6022 or email

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