Micheal J Bellefeuille

Micheal Bellefeuille has gone from one dimensional art work (photography) to three dimensional works (stone sculpting) using hard stone only. Micheal has college degrees in environmental studies and photography and teaches his skills at schools and nonprofit organizations at no charge. He also is available commercially for a fee. Micheal is a professional scuba diver and photographer and teaches underwater photography. Micheal is a Water Treatment specialist for the Municipality of Ottawa Carleton.

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Comments on urban experience:

-Positive one.
-Support from the neighbors, the City of Nepean, and the art community in Nepean.
-Recognition and support from the Municipality of Ottawa Carleton Employer, the Federal Government and art galleries.

-The negative side of being an urban aboriginal artist is that there is little support either because of a lack of funding or because we are not Indian enough. So that is the reason I have a full time job, but the reward is I am doing it on my own.

-There is too much stereotyping. There are MANY Aboriginals who are successful. They are lawyers, doctors, CEO's, athletes, singers, artists, military officers etc... These urban Aboriginals appreciate where they come from and keep traditions and culture very much alive, through Kumiks, healing circles, the Odawa Friendship Center, gatherings, etc...
-I support my community by donating FREELY of my time, art work and gifts to theNational Aboriginal Veterans Association (in memory of my Dad), the friendship centers, The United Way (for Aboriginal groups), women's and children's abuse centers, hospitals, cancer research and even 

Art description:

As a Aboriginal artist, I use inspiration from my Aboriginal roots which influences the work. A combination of cultural traditions and modern technology help create one of a kind works of art. The work is produced from indigenous stones from the Great Canadian Shield. The art work is shaped by using modern tools, grinders, compressors, diamond blades and jackhammers. Over a thousand pieces have been produced to date. Several national television programs have featured Micheal:  Vision TV, BBS, Aboriginal Voices,

public television for their educational role. I also visit public schools giving lectures and seminars for free and much more.

-I have recently begun making traditional stone pipes for special people, families and elders. These, however, are not for sale. Traditional Pipes should NEVER be SOLD.

The Creator gave me a special gift. I have to share this gift with those who need it the most but, as my elders Lillian, Commanda and Lacroix once said, there is no shame in wanting to make a living and provide for my family with the earnings from my gift, as long as I share with those most in need.

 CJOH Regional Contact and TFO La Chaine Francaise. European television, Corsica and France, have also featured him.  As a renown professional, international photographer, his photographic works are found on the Web and in numerous magazines. His sculptures grace the galleries of Canada's national capital, France and the USA. All pieces produced take time and great care due to the nature of the materials used. No piece is ever a reproduction, nor will it be reproduced, making them one-of-a-kind originals. They are authentically signed and copyright protected.

Final comment:

I would like to thank my mom and dad, love you both and miss you much. Meegwetch to the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples for setting up this website for Aboriginal artists like myself; and special thanks to my good friends at the Aboriginal People Network and the Odawa Friendship Center, and all those who believed in me, may your life be filled with love.


Cambridge Gallery (613)-232-2787

Art Mode Gallery (613)-241-1511

Phone Messages (613)-825-5328

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