Gloria McConini

I first started crafts when I got married. I was 17. I started making crafts to fill up a small suitcase every week and go to sell them at the lodges in the park. You see I was only doing this as a hobby at first. Then we started selling crafts from a table on our lawn. Soon after we had to put up a small stand on the drive way. Eventually that was too small, so we built a teepee in the bigger area of our lot. Our business grew & grew. We needed even more space so we with a small building made out of fruit stands 

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 which we stayed in for over 20 years. Then we put up a bigger building since that store proved to be too small. Now we have a 54' room as a store which is full of mounted animals and our own crafts. We have been doing this for 35 years now.


Hector and Gloria McConini
332 Kitchi Mikan
Maniwaki, Quebec
J9E 3B1
Tel: (819) 449-3483

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