Robert Duguay

-Full name-Robert Wayne Duguay

-Born March 8th, 1958, in Marathon, Ontario, Canada.

-Parents-French Metis. Both Born in Northern New Brunswick.

-Raised in Marathon until I turned twelve and then we moved back to northern New Brunswick. Currently living in Owen Sound, Ontario with my spouse, three children, two dogs and two cats (Quite a full household!) 

-I currently sit on the Owen Sound Metis Council as Vice President.
-Own and operate Windwalker Metis Crafts.

-My heritage was never hidden from me or my two brothers and sister (all older than me) and I was always encouraged to play with and get to know the aboriginal peoples who lived around us.

-I never realized what Metis was or who the Metis were until May 1998. It was then explained to me by a gentleman by the name of Russel Sylvest here in Owen Sound and I have been trying tocatch up ever since.

-I had always felt throughout my life that there was something missing, something that I couldn't put my finger on. I have often felt that I did not belong. But now I have found my place in this life.

I am Metis and I am very proud of my Micmac heritage. I try to show this through my crafts and when I talk to other people. I am trying to show our way of life to others, for them to
understand who we are and appreciate our culture and heritage. By creating these crafts and keeping the price reasonable I hope to spread the word to all.

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It has been a shock to me that when I declared my-self Metis that people who I thought were my friends turned their backs on me.

Here is a poem that I would like to pass on to you. I read it on another Aboriginal website and it really hit home for me.


We are all from the womb of the Earth our mother.
Your fellow man, and every living creature.
We come from her flesh, and to her flesh we return.
To be renewed in another living creature.
We are born by her.
We are all brothers.

Comments on urban experience:

I have seen prejudice before but it was never directed at me. I consider my-self very fortunate that I was raised by parents that never had and still don't have any tolerance for racism. I was taught that we are all part of this world and have to get along no matter what color. 

So as you can see it has been a shock to me that when I declared my-self Metis that people who I thought were my friends turned their backs on me. It hurts my heart to see people do this. But what can you do? I feel sorry for them because their ignorance will never let them enjoy knowing other p

eople of other races and other cultures. When it has come to getting my supplies I usually only go to the places where the shop owners know me well and don't have a problem with my heritage. Mind you, there have been places where I used to buy supplies and when I gave my company name I would be on the receiving end of the look. You know that look that some people have when they really don't want to have anything to do with you but they still want your money and hope you won't stay too long? I have never returned to these places and don't plan on ever going again. People seem to like my work though and I guess that's the main thing. I hope that the message gets through: we are all in this together and hate is not going to make it better.


Robert W. Duguay
Windwalker Metis Crafts
R.R.6 Owen Sound, Ont.
N4K 5N8
Tel: (519) 372-9819
Email: robertw

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