Jules Koostachin

Jules Arita Koostachin graduated from Concordia University's Theatre Program with a B.F.A. in the Major Theatre Program. During her five years of study, she directed, acted, designed, stage-managed, produced and wrote numerous student and out of school theatrical productions. After completing three years at Concordia, she went to Carleton University as a visiting student. she studied a wide variety of courses dealing with the arts, literature and the sciences. She continually worked as an actor for Native Earth Performing Arts, Toronto Casting Agency, Koostachin Productions, Access Modeling Agency, Brook talent and independently. Within the last ten years, she has worked extensively in all aspects of the arts. Her theatrical and television credits range from working as a professional actor to becoming recognized as a guest on CBC News, Pulse News, and other local television and radio stations.

Jules is the founder of a registered Native Theater and Film Company, entitled Koostachin Productions founded in the summer of 1992. This company has created productions such as: The Creation Story (1992), Earth Whispers (1993), The Spider and the Fly (1993), The White Spider Womyn (1994), and Asivak's Creation Story (1995). All funds received from these productions 

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were donated to the several Native Women Shelters and Centers helping Aboriginal People who are living in urban areas. Koostachin Productions is now growing and expanding into new fields.

Jules is also a published writer, She has written for the Women's Press, in 1997's Every Woman's Almanac featuring an essay about her struggle to survive as a single mother and as an artist living in the city. She was again featured in the 1999's Every Woman's Almanac. Her writing has also been published in Pow Wow Newspaper (1997), and in Aboriginal Voices Magazine (1997). A representative from the Miami University's Native Woman's Archives has just informed 

her that Asivak's Creation Story, a short children's play will be published in their first anthology.

Jules has also completed the Assaulted Women's & Children's Counselling & Advocacy Program at George Brown College in April of 1998. She has left the doors open to becoming aware and learning how to dismantle the struggles of oppression through the arts. These fundamental skills in communication, politics, and social issues have benefited the development of her next creation. Koostachin productions next project is an original screenplay entitled The Passing of the Souls, co-written with Gerry Mendoza, which commenced in February of 1997.

Her future plans include training at the Banff Center's Aboriginal Dance Project in June 1999. She has also started a book of poetry entitled Reclaiming Matriarchy: Red Path, Dedicated to her Cree Grandparents.

The Passing of Souls has been registered with the Writer's Guild of Canada. Her screenplay has also been requested for submission by Sundance Film Festival's Aboriginal Writer's Workshop in California and Voice and Vision in the Field in New York City.


E-mail: asivak88@hotmail.com

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