Stephen McGregor
"This is the observation I've made after 15 years of living and working in the city: time. There's never enough of it."


Was born November 4, 1961, in Maniwaki, Quebec. He is an Algonquin from the Kitigan-Zibi Anishinabeg reservation. He presently resides in Ottawa though travels home regularly to visit his mother after the recent passing of his father. He works as a Building Operator for the Canada Post Corporation. Stephen is an avid hockey player and travels the tournament circuits during the winter months. At present, he has completed 2 screenplays, both registered with The Writer's Guild of America west in Los Angeles, and is currently seeking an agent to represent his works.

Comments on urban experience:

I was also asked to add a blurb about the "urban-native" experience accord-  ing to my point of view. I won't pre- 

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tend to speak for other natives; just me. This is the observation I've made after 15 years of living and working in the city: time.  There's never enough of it. It seems like you're always trying to stay one minute ahead of your watch. I guess that's what they call "life in the fast lane". 
 Myself, I am first and foremost a "'rez-native". That's where my heart has always lived. Though I've been in Ottawa for 15 years, the place never felt like home for me. Home is the 'rez.

I've gotten my fill of the city life now. It's time to go home, settle down, build a house. I can't put a finger on it, but it's like something is calling me back. Ever get that feeling? It's a powerful feeling; for me, it's gotten stronger with each passing day since last fall. Something's calling me home. That's the only way I can describe it.

I know I'll look back upon my "urban times" with fond memories some day, thinking about the people who were my friends, people who helped me, people with whom I worked with - both natives and non-natives. To these people I wish nothing but good health and happiness. 


P.O Box 102
Maniwaki, Quebec
J9E 3B3
Tel: (819) 449-3493

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